FEB 3 - 7
Monday, February 3, 2025
2025 is the “Year of the Snake” on the Chinese zodiac. Lawson will celebrate Lunar New Year TOMORROW with activities in the quad at lunch hosted by the Student Cabinet.
Calling all trading card enthusiasts! Looking for a place to trade, collect, and talk about your favorite cards? The Trading Card Club is the perfect spot! We meet every Wednesday in Room 53 at lunch, where you can discover new cards, make trades, and connect with fellow collectors. Hope to see you there!
The February Social is this Friday! Get ready for a fun Candy Land themed social on Friday, February 7th from 3:05-5:05 PM. Tickets go on sale tomorrow during Brunch in front of room 17. Thursday will be the last day to pre-purchase entry tickets.
Food tickets for the social will be available in advance on Friday at Brunch, however you must have pre-purchased an entry ticket in order to buy food tickets. You are also able to purchase food tickets at the social.
Singing Valentines will go on sale Wednesday in the Quad during Brunch and Lunch! $1 to send a card and a song to your friends. This is a great way to celebrate your friendship!
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
2025 is the “Year of the Snake” on the Chinese zodiac. Lawson will celebrate Lunar New Year TODAY with activities in the quad at lunch hosted by the Student Cabinet.
Calling all trading card enthusiasts! Looking for a place to trade, collect, and talk about your favorite cards? The Trading Card Club is the perfect spot! We meet tomorrow in Room 53 at lunch, where you can discover new cards, make trades, and connect with fellow collectors. Hope to see you there!
Math Club: Hi Lawson Mathematicians, Math Club is today in room 56. Come challenge and sharpen your math skills with other math enthusiasts. We hope to see you there!
Singing Valentines will go on sale tomorrow, Wednesday, in the Quad during Brunch and Lunch! $1 to send a card and a song to your friends. This is a great way to celebrate your friendship!
Dungeons and Dragons club will be meeting on Wednesday in Room 41 at lunch. We will be creating new characters to start a new campaign. If you are interested in starting from the ground floor with a new character, come and join us. See you there!
Shrek Jr. rehearsals for today: Students, please remember to check Google Classroom to see what rehearsals you are called for. We are also sending the rehearsal schedule to your families on ParentSquare as an extra reminder. Everyone in the cast will be receiving these messages, even when they are not called to rehearsals, so please read carefully.
The February Social is this Friday! Get ready for a fun Candy Land themed social on Friday, February 7th from 3:05-5:05 PM. Tickets go on sale today during Brunch in front of room 17. Tickets are $4.00 in advance and $5.00 at the door. Thursday will be the last day to pre-purchase entry tickets.
Food tickets for the social will be available in advance on Friday at Brunch, however you must have pre-purchased an entry ticket in order to buy food tickets. You are also able to purchase food tickets at the social.
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Singing Valentines will go on sale today in the Quad during Brunch and Lunch! $1 to send a card and a song to your friends. This is a great way to celebrate your friendship!
Attention Lawson Girls Basketball players! There is an informational meeting at brunch today in the Fitness Room. If you are interested in trying out for the team come to the meeting to learn more about the tryout process.
Dungeons and Dragons club will be meeting today in Room 41 at lunch. We will be creating new characters to start a new campaign. If you are interested in starting from the ground floor with a new character, come and join us. See you there!
Calling all trading card enthusiasts! Looking for a place to trade, collect, and talk about your favorite cards? The Trading Card Club is the perfect spot! We meet today in Room 53 at lunch, where you can discover new cards, make trades, and connect with fellow collectors. Hope to see you there!
The February Social is this Friday! Get ready for a fun Candy Land themed social on Friday, February 7th from 3:05-5:05 PM. Tickets are on sale today during Brunch in front of room 17. Tickets are $4.00 in advance and $5.00 at the door. Thursday will be the last day to pre-purchase entry tickets.
Boba tickets are also for sale for $6.00. Boba is only pre-sold, so if you want a Boba at the social… buy it in advance!
Food tickets for the social will be available in advance on Friday at Brunch, however you must have pre-purchased an entry ticket in order to buy food tickets. You are also able to purchase food tickets at the social.
Shrek Jr. rehearsals for today: Students, please remember to check Google Classroom to see what rehearsals you are called for. We are also sending the rehearsal schedule to your families on ParentSquare as an extra reminder. Everyone in the cast will be receiving these messages, even when they are not called to rehearsals, so please read carefully.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Singing Valentines will go on sale through Wednesday by the orchestra room (Rm 25) during Brunch and Lunch! $1 to send a card and a song to your friends. This is a great way to celebrate your friendship!
Attention Lawson Boys Soccer players! There is an informational meeting at brunch today in the Fitness Room. If you are interested in trying out for the team come to the meeting to learn more about the tryout process.
The February Social is this Friday! Get ready for a fun Candy Land themed social on February 7th from 3:05-5:05 PM. Today is the last day to buy tickets in advance for boba and entry. Come get your entry tickets during Brunch in front of room 17. Tickets are $4.00 in advance and $5.00 at the door.
Boba tickets are also for sale for $6.00. Boba is only pre-sold, so if you want a Boba at the social… buy it today!
Food tickets for the social will be available in advance on Friday at Brunch, however you must have pre-purchased an entry ticket in order to buy food tickets. You are also able to purchase food tickets at the social.
The Rainbow Sprites have gifted points to Green, Blue, and Purple teams. While the rankings haven’t changed, the totals are closer than before. The updated points totals are: Blue: 9554; Green: 9775; Purple: 10455; and Red’s points remain at 13,493. Remember to attend the weekly Uno games to earn points for your color.
The Sports Analysis and Statistics Club will meet in the cardio room on Fridays at lunch. Come meet some new friends and talk about sports. We will have a Superbowl pool for prizes!
Shrek Jr. rehearsals for today: Students, please remember to check Google Classroom to see what rehearsals you are called for. We are also sending the rehearsal schedule to your families on ParentSquare as an extra reminder. Everyone in the cast will be receiving these messages, even when they are not called to rehearsals, so please read carefully.
After a small delay due to the Yosemite trip, the January edition of Lawson's Latest magazine is available now! If you don’t see the Lawson's Latest Magazine in your 2nd period Google Classroom, ask your teacher to add it (tell them to check their email for the link) or you can join the Lawson’s Latest Google Classroom where you can see current (and archive) editions of the magazine!
Friday, February 7, 2025
Singing Valentines will go on sale through Wednesday by the orchestra room (Rm 25) during Brunch and Lunch! $1 to send a card and a song to your friends. This is a great way to celebrate your friendship!
The Sports Analysis and Statistics Club will meet in the cardio room on Fridays at lunch. Come meet some new friends and talk about sports.
The Color Clash Uno games have changed location. Starting on Friday, February 14th, the games will be hosted in the community room. Players need to eat lunch first. Games will begin at 1:00.
Color Clash Spirit week runs from April 7-11, and each color needs an Uno champion. Colors will be competing to be the first color to reach 500 Uno points. Those points go directly to their color. All other teams will receive 100 points.
Today is the Candy Land Social! If you pre-purchased tickets, your 7th period teacher will give you a wrist band as your entry ticket. You MUST have a wristband to stay on campus. Once the bell rings, you will go immediately to the backpack storage classrooms: 27, 28, and 29. You are required to drop off your backpacks BEFORE entering the social. If you need to buy an entrance ticket, you will exit campus and return through gate 3 which is next to the front office.
Food tickets will be pre-sold today at brunch in front of room 17. You MUST have already purchased an entry ticket in order to pre-purchase food tickets! There is a $10.00 maximum for pre-purchased tickets. Food tickets will also be available at the social. We can’t wait to see you at the social!
JAN 6 - 10
Monday, January 6, 2025
Our first rehearsal for Shrek Jr. is tomorrow! All cast members need to attend. Come to room 25 ready to read through the entire show. Remember to bring your signed permission slip. We will be going over other important information and answering questions as well.
All library books are due today. Please return your books as soon as possible.
Also today is the start of Session 2 for library volunteers. Be sure to come when you are scheduled. The schedule is on the library window.
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Intermediate Band and Intermediate Orchestra Students: Please remember to show up in the orchestra room today at the start of lunch time so we can record the national anthems for the San Jose Barracuda game. It is important that you are on time. We will record the performance at 12:55PM.
Math Club: Hi Lawson Mathematicians, friendly reminder Math Club is on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 56. Come challenge and sharpen your math skills with other math enthusiasts. We hope to see you there!
Shrek Jr. cast, see you after school for our read through. We will meet in the orchestra room (25) from 3:15-4:30.
Wednesday, January 8, 2025
Python Club has been discontinued. If you have questions, please see Mrs. Wynnell in room 49.
The Dungeons and Dragons club is having a meeting this Thursday at Lunch. Come to the meeting to see a live play of the game. We will be starting Peril in Pinebrook which is made up of small segments each of which can be played entirely during lunch. If you have no idea about how the game is played and are interested in seeing it in action or perhaps taking over as a player, come to this week’s meeting. Room 41 at lunch.
Color Clash Uno games have resumed; however, the number of games has been reduced to five. See your homeroom teacher to represent your color. Games begin promptly at 1:00, and any unclaimed spots will be open to any player from any color. Color Clash points have been updated. Red is in first place with 10,780 points. Second place purple has 8,905 points. Green moved up to third place and currently has 7,773 points, and blue slipped to last place with 7,464 points. Uno Games greatly impact the rankings, so remember to play for your color.
Attention AMC 8 contestants! If you have received an email from Ms. Zhu titled "Action Required," you still have yet to complete your registration. Please check your school email and follow the steps provided or you will be unable to take the AMC 8 on January 22.
Come to the quad today for the Go Go Duck noontime activity. Candy prizes will be given.
Thursday, January 9, 2025
The Crochet Club will convene today in Room 51 at lunch. Come enjoy your lunch and then explore your latest project!
The Dungeons and Dragons club is having a meeting today at Lunch. Come to the meeting to see a live play of the game. We will be starting Peril in Pinebrook which is made up of small segments each of which can be played entirely during lunch. If you have no idea about how the game is played and are interested in seeing it in action or perhaps taking over as a player, come to this week’s meeting. Today in Room 41 at lunch.
Color Clash Uno games have resumed; however, the number of games has been reduced to five. See your homeroom teacher to represent your color. Games begin promptly at 1:00, and any unclaimed spots will be open to any player from any color. Color Clash points have been updated. Red is in first place with 10,780 points. Second place purple has 8,905 points. Green moved up to third place and currently has 7,773 points, and blue slipped to last place with 7,464 points. Uno Games greatly impact the rankings, so remember to play for your color.
Today at lunch in the cardio room we will have our first Sports Analysis and Statistics Club meeting. The Sports Analysis and Statistics Club is a place where you can talk about your favorite sports teams and players. There are lots of brackets, documents, and papers that have player’s statistics on them. The sports analyzed include Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Football, and more! Anyone can join, whether you are a long-time fan or new to sports. There will be a fun over/under sports score challenge today so bring your ipad as prizes will be awarded.
Some examples of today's challenges include: In last night's NBA game featuring the San Antonio Spurs vs. the Milwaukee Bucks, Will both teams have a combined score of over/under 226 points scored in the game? These teams have only hit the over score 42.9% of the time in games this season, what do you think will happen? If you have any questions please feel free to see Mr. Jensen or stop by the cardio room at lunch today.
Friday, January 10, 2025
Color Clash Homeroom Representatives: Come to room 49 with your lunch to battle for your color in the ongoing Uno Games. Games begin promptly at 1:00, and open spots will be available on a first come basis regardless of color.
Attention AMC 8 contestants! If you have received an email from Ms. Zhu titled "Action Required," you still have yet to complete your registration. Please check your school email and follow the steps provided or you will be unable to take the AMC 8 on January 22.
JAN 13 - 17
Monday, January 13, 2025
Thursday is our next Color Clash lunchtime event and spirit day. Come to school wearing your warmest flannels to earn points for your color. As always, teachers earn five points when they participate. Our activity will be a continuation of the rally’s head, shoulders, knees, and duck. Winners will receive a ticket earning points for their color. More information will be shared later this week.
Shrek Jr. cast, please remember to turn in your permission slips and payments by tomorrow! You may not attend any rehearsals if you have not turned in your permission slip. Bring it to Mr. Stern (room 25) or Miss Lee (room 52) during brunch or lunch.
Tuesday, January 14, 2025
After last Friday’s Uno games, here are the new color clash points. Red continues to be in the lead with 12,051; purple is in second place with 9,068. Green continues to be in third place with 7,773 points, and blue trails the pack with 7,464 points.
Come to Thursday’s Color Clash lunchtime event starting at 1:00 in the quad. Students will be playing head, shoulders, knees, and duck. Winning players will receive a ticket for their team.
The music department would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the students who qualified for the 2025 California All-State Honor Band and Orchestra this year:
Koushani H - Flute, Kevin S - Percussion, Samyatha R - Percussion, Samanyu R - Percussion, Sudhouth - Percussion, Hayul P - Clarinet, Steve G - Violin, Olivia W - Viola, Elin - Viola
These talented students have submitted a recorded audition and have been selected from thousands of other California student musicians to perform in these groups. It is a major honor to get selected - only the best of the best get selected. They will be rehearsing and performing at the Sacramento State University and Convention Center on January 16-19 with some of the most outstanding musicians in California. Please congratulate these students on their amazing accomplishment!
Attention 6th graders. Please join us for our new WEB Connection this Friday, January 17th, at lunch. There will be various games available to play in different classrooms including chess, board & card games, rubik cubes, and more! More information to come later this week in the announcements.
Wednesday, January 15, 2025
The Dungeons and Dragons club is having a meeting Thursday at Lunch. Come to the meeting to see a live play of the game. We will be continuing with session 2 of Peril in Pinebrook which is made up of small segments each of which can be played entirely during lunch. If you have no idea about how the game is played and are interested in seeing it in action or perhaps taking over as a player, come to this week’s meeting. Thursday in Room 41 at lunch.
Shrek Jr. Props, Set, and Costume Crew members, friendly reminder our meetings have started this week. We meet on Mondays and Wednesday after school from 3:14-4:30 pm in room 1 (for costumes) and room 4 (for props and set).
Shrek Jr. cast for the Big Bright Beautiful, blocking will be in the Fitness Room from 3:15-4:30. The 3 storytellers, Mama Ogre, Papa Ogre, Little Ogre, and Shrek are called for this rehearsal.
The Lawson yearbook team is excited to announce the Lawson Magazine Lawson's Latest next comic submission! If you want to showcase your artwork and skills, we are looking for comic submissions that are 4-6 panels (about a page) long. Traditional, digital, and painted art is allowed! Winners will be handpicked and included into the magazine for the month. Please check your email for more details and information. Please send your comic submissions to Lyla Lin (LMS) when finished by the due date of January 21st. We look forward to seeing your art skills!!
Attention 6th graders. Please join us for our new WEB Connection this Friday, January 17th, at lunch. There will be various games available to play in different classrooms including chess, board & card games, rubik cubes, and more!
Come to the quad on Thursday to play Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Duck to earn color clash points.
The Sports Analysis & Statistics Club will meet in the Cardio room tomorrow at lunch. Come and meet some new friends and talk about sports.
Thursday, January 16, 2025
Don’t forget to come to the quad today for the Color Clash activity – head, shoulders, knees, and duck. Earn points for your color and shift the rankings! All students and staff are invited to play. UNO GAMES ARE CANCELLED tomorrow. Mrs. Wynnell is out for a field trip. They will resume next Friday, January 24th.
The Lawson yearbook team is excited to announce the Lawson Magazine Lawson's Latest next comic submission! If you want to showcase your artwork and skills, we are looking for comic submissions that are 4-6 panels (about a page) long. Traditional, digital, and painted art is allowed! Winners will be handpicked and included into the magazine for the month. Please check your email for more details and information. Please send your comic submissions to Lyla Lin (LMS) when finished by the due date of January 21st. We look forward to seeing your art skills!!
The Dungeons and Dragons club is having a meeting today at Lunch. Come to the meeting to see a live play of the game. We will be continuing with session 2 of Peril in Pinebrook which is made up of small segments each of which can be played entirely during lunch. If you have no idea about how the game is played and are interested in seeing it in action or perhaps taking over as a player, come to this week’s meeting. Today in Room 41 at lunch.
The Sports Analysis & Statistics Club will meet in the Cardio room today at lunch. Come and meet some new friends and talk about sports.
Attention 6th graders. Please join us for our new WEB Connection this Friday, January 17th, at lunch. There will be various games available to play in different classrooms including chess, board & card games, rubik cubes, and more!
Friday, January 17, 2025
The Lawson yearbook team is excited to announce the Lawson Magazine Lawson's Latest next comic submission! If you want to showcase your artwork and skills, we are looking for comic submissions that are 4-6 panels (about a page) long. Traditional, digital, and painted art is allowed! Winners will be handpicked and included into the magazine for the month. Please check your email for more details and information. Please send your comic submissions to Lyla Lin (LMS) when finished by the due date of January 21st. We look forward to seeing your art skills!!
UNO GAMES ARE CANCELLED FOR TODAY. Mrs. Wynnell is out for a field trip. They will resume next Friday, January 24th.
Attention Sixth Graders! WEB Lunch Connections is Today during Lunch!
JAN 21 - 24
Tuesday, January 21st, 2025
Today is the last day to submit a 4-6 panel comic to be included in the next issue of Lawson’s Latest. Traditional, digital, and painted art is allowed! Winners will be handpicked and included into the magazine for the month. Please check your email for more details and information. Please send your completed comic submissions to Lyla Lin (LMS) by the due date of January 21st. We look forward to seeing your art skills!!
Attention 8th graders going to Yosemite, make sure you go to your assigned room at the start of lunch. These hiking group meetings are mandatory. Today’s meetings are as follows: Bobcats, room 38, Coyotes, room 31, Stellar Jays, Office Conference Room, Sugar Pines, Room 16 and Gray Foxes, the Cardio Room.
Tuesday, January 21, 2025 @ Lunch (12:49 - 1:19)
Hiking Group Name |
Chaperone |
Room |
Bobcats |
Stacy Baier |
38 |
Coyotes |
David Femmel |
31 |
Stellar’s Jays |
David Langemak |
Office Conference Room |
Sugar Pines |
Bill Zhao |
16 |
Gray Foxes |
Jeren Jensen |
Cardio Room |
Thank you everyone who came out for last Thursday’s Color Clash Challenge, “Head, shoulders, knees, and duck.” Students, WEB leaders, and teachers played strategically, adding points to their color. Unfortunately, the rankings haven’t changed. Red continues to be in the lead with 12,485 points. Second-place purple now has 9,612 points with third-place green’s increasing to 8,407 points. Last place blue is on green’s tail with 8,075.
Remember to play Uno on Friday. The winning player’s color collects the total of all unplayed points. Often this can add up into the hundreds, and with five games, a color can easily add a thousand points. If they play strategically. See you Friday in room 49 at 1:00.
Shrek Jr. rehearsals for today:
Music rehearsals in the Choir Room (Room 3)
3:15-4:15 I Know it’s Today
4:15-4:30 Morning Person
4:30-4:45 I Think I Got You Beat
Dance rehearsals in the Fitness room
3:15-4:45 Freak Flag & Playoff
The daily rehearsal schedule with a list of who is called to each rehearsal will be posted on Google Classroom. Please pay attention to what time you need to be present.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Attention 8th graders going to Yosemite, make sure you go to your assigned room at the start of lunch. These hiking group meetings are mandatory.
Today’s meetings are as follows: Yosemite Millipedes, room 18, Tarantulas, room 14, Sierra Pseudo Scorpions, Office Conference room, Acorn Woodpeckers, room 30, American Kestrels, Room 30, Prairie Falcons, room 52, California Black Oaks, room 16, Sierra Redwoods, room 47, and Incense Cedars, room 48.
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 @ Lunch (1:15 - 1:45)
Hiking Group Name |
Chaperone |
Room |
Yosemite Millipedes |
Scott Henderson |
18 |
Tarantulas |
Kortney Juracek |
14 |
Sierra Pseudo Scorpions |
Roxy Tuason |
Office Conference Room |
Acorn Woodpeckers |
Maria Espinoza |
30 |
American Kestrels |
Felicia Davis |
30 |
Prairie Falcons |
Ji Hae Lee |
52 |
Calif. Black Oaks |
Sweta Purbiya |
16 |
Sierra Redwoods |
Troy Hoffman |
47 |
Incense Cedars |
Jon Chartrand |
48 |
The Sports Analysis and Statistics Club will meet in the cardio room on Fridays at lunch. Come meet some new friends and talk about sports.
Dungeons and Dragons Club will meet in Room 41 today instead of Thursday. We will be continuing our Pinebrook adventure. If you are new to Dungeons and Dragons or want to experience how it is played, please come to the meeting.
Thursday, January 23, 2025
Attention 8th graders going to Yosemite, make sure you go to your assigned room at the start of lunch. These hiking group meetings are mandatory. Today’s meetings are as follows: Cooper’s Hawks, Office Conference Room, Giant Sequoias room 16.
Thursday, January 23, 2025 @ Lunch (12:49 - 1:19)
Hiking Group Name |
Chaperone |
Room |
Cooper’s Hawks |
Paul Trowbridge |
Office Conference Room |
Giant Sequoia |
Vikas Girdhar |
16 |
The Sports Analysis and Statistics Club will meet in the cardio room on Fridays at lunch. Come meet some new friends and talk about sports.
Christian Club will be meeting today at lunch in room 19. All are invited. Hope to see you there!
Shrek Jr. rehearsals for today:
Music rehearsals in the Choir Room (Room 3)
3:15-4:00 Story of My Life
4:00-4:30 Scene 4 Part 2
Dance rehearsals in the Fitness room
3:15-4:15 Morning Person
4:15-4:45 What’s Up, Duloc Part 1
Remember you can always check Google Classroom to see the rehearsal times and who is called.
Homerooms! Friday is the first spirit day of the semester! The day is called Black Out day! This means you should wear head to toe black! Black shirt and black pants plus ideally black shoes! Wear black on Friday!!!
Friday January 24, 2025
The Sports Analysis and Statistics Club will meet in the cardio room on Fridays at lunch. Come meet some new friends and talk about sports.
Homerooms! Today is the first spirit day of the semester: Black out day! Homeroom teachers, look for the spirit day form to fill in how many students participated. Turn in the form by the end of 2nd period. Thank you!
Color Clash homeroom representatives, grab your lunch and head to room 49 for today’s Color Clash Uno games. Games start at 1:00.
Calling all trading card enthusiasts! Looking for a place to trade, collect, and talk about your favorite cards? The Trading Card Club is the perfect spot! We will meet every Wednesday in Room 53 at lunch beginning on January 29th. Come so you can discover new cards, make trades, and connect with fellow collectors. Hope to see you there!
JAN 27 - 31
Monday, January 27, 2025
New Club Schedule:
Shrek Jr. Props, Set, and Costume Crew members, friendly reminder our meetings are Mondays and Wednesdays after school from 3:15-4:30 pm in room 1 (for costumes) and room 4 (for props and set). See you there!
Calling all trading card enthusiasts! Looking for a place to trade, collect, and talk about your favorite cards? The Trading Card Club is the perfect spot! We meet every Wednesday in Room 53 at lunch, where you can discover new cards, make trades, and connect with fellow collectors. Hope to see you there!
The top scoring classes for the Blackout Day Spirit Day are as follows: 1st place: Mr. Tsai and Mrs. Cipriano with 30 points, 2nd place: Mrs. Jensen, Mrs. Jackson, and Ms. Orlando with 28 points, and 3rd place: Ms. Davis, Mr. Entous and Ms. Sparacino with 22 points! Keep up the good work! This was the first competition of the semester and there are many more to come! Great job everyone! Thanks for your participation.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Calling all trading card enthusiasts! Looking for a place to trade, collect, and talk about your favorite cards? The Trading Card Club is the perfect spot! We will meet tomorrow in Room 53 at lunch, where you can discover new cards, make trades, and connect with fellow collectors. Hope to see you there!
Based on last Friday’s spirit day and the uno games, here are the current Color Clash points.
Blue: 8,304 Green: 8,775 Purple: 9,455 Red: 13,493
Dungeons and Dragons club will be meeting again this week on Wednesday at lunch in Room 41. We will be finishing our mini-campaign from Peril in Pinebrook. All those who would like to participate are invited to join us. This is a good time to learn how the game is played and find out if Dungeons and Dragons is for you. See you there.
Math Club: Hi Lawson Mathematicians, Math Club is now meeting on Tuesdays ONLY in room 56. Come challenge and sharpen your math skills with other math enthusiasts. We hope to see you there!
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Happy Lunar New Year! 2025 is the “Year of the Snake” on the Chinese zodiac. Lawson will celebrate Lunar New Year next Tuesday, 2/4 with activities in the quad at lunch hosted by the Student Cabinet.
Calling all trading card enthusiasts! Looking for a place to trade, collect, and talk about your favorite cards? The Trading Card Club is the perfect spot! We will meet today in Room 53 at lunch, where you can discover new cards, make trades, and connect with fellow collectors. Hope to see you there!
Dungeons and Dragons club will be meeting today at lunch in Room 41. We will be finishing our mini-campaign from Peril in Pinebrook. All those who would like to participate are invited to join us. This is a good time to learn how the game is played and find out if Dungeons and Dragons is for you. See you there.
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Christian Club will be on break this week because of the Yosemite trip and will resume next week. Hope to see you then!
Friday, January 31, 2025
The February Social is coming up!1 Get ready for a fun Candy Land themed social next Friday, February 7th from 3:05-5:05. Tickets go on sale on Tuesday during Brunch in front of room 17.
DEC 2 - 6
Monday, December 2, 2024
Attention Boys’ volleyball players! There will be an informational meeting at brunch tomorrow (Tuesday 12/3) in the Fitness Room. If you have any desire to try out for the boys volleyball teams please come by at the start of brunch.
Come to the Quad at lunch on December 4th to play the Reindeer Antler Toss! Test your throwing and catching skills! Candy prizes will be given!
Shrek Jr. auditions are today, tomorrow, and Wednesday after school in the orchestra room. Come prepared with your song, dance, and optional monologue. Show up early, before your audition time, so that when we call your name, you’re ready to go. If you haven’t signed up yet, there are still some spots available today and tomorrow after school. Wednesday is already full. It is not too late to sign up, but today is the last day to sign up.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Attention Boys’ volleyball players! There will be an informational meeting at brunch today (Tuesday 12/3) in the Fitness Room. If you have any desire to try out for the boys volleyball teams please come by at the start of brunch.
Attention Girls’ soccer players! There will be an informational meeting at brunch tomorrow (Wednesday 12/4) in the Fitness Room. If you have any desire to try out for the girls soccer teams please come by at the start of brunch.
Come to the Quad at lunch tomorrow, December 4th to play the Reindeer Antler Toss! Test your throwing and catching skills! Candy prizes will be given!
Shrek Jr. auditions are continuing today and tomorrow after school in the orchestra room. Please come prepared with your song, dance, and optional monologue. Show up early so that when we call your name, you’re ready to go.
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Dungeons and Dragons club will meet on Thursday at lunch in room 41. Come all to discuss how your games are starting and when you will be playing. You can also build characters and have session zero.
Come to the Quad at lunch on December 4th to play the Reindeer Antler Toss! Test your throwing and catching skills! Candy prizes will be given!
The last day of Shrek Jr. auditions are today after school in the orchestra room. Please come prepared with your song, dance, and optional monologue. Show up early so that when we call your name, you’re ready to go.(slide) If you are auditioning for a lead role, call backs will be next Monday 12/9 from 3:15-5:15. If you are called back, it means we are interested in casting you for a lead role and would like to see more of what you can do. Please make sure you are available. After auditions, we will let you know who we are calling back.
Color Clash Uno Games are cancelled for the month of December. We will resume in January.
Students, please wear your color for this Friday’s Color Clash Rally to show school spirit and support your color team!
The Crochet Club is back in action tomorrow in Room 51 at lunch. Hope to see you there!
Christian Club is holding a series of three outreach meetings beginning today at lunch in room 19. Everyone is welcome! Food will be provided at the end of the meeting!
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Dungeons and Dragons club will meet today at lunch in room 41. Come all to discuss how your games are starting and when you will be playing. You can also build characters and have session zero.
Uno Games are cancelled for the rest of 2024. See you in January when we resume for Color Clash.
Students, please wear your color for tomorrow’s Color Clash Rally to show school spirit and support your color team!
Crochet Club! Today is our meeting! Hope to see you in Room 51 with your lunch…remember to bring your supplies if you don’t already have them in the room.
Students who auditioned for Shrek Jr, please check your email if you haven’t yet to look for call back invites. If you did not receive an email, we are not calling you back for a lead role, but we will be casting you for another part. Please look over the music and your lines for the call backs as there will be some differences from the auditions.
If you are interested in joining a crew for Shrek Jr. join Google Classroom hs4xzk5 and fill out the Crew Interest Form. If you filled out the previous form, please fill out this new one as there have been some changes. Please read the descriptions and notes about what each crew does and when they’ll be meeting. Make sure you are available before signing up. We will share a meeting schedule with you before Winter Break.
A second outreach meeting for Christian Club is today at lunch in room 19. Everyone is welcome! Food will still be provided.
Friday, December 6, 2024
Movie Club - NEW MOVIE starts TODAY! Join us for the surprise. Must have a parent signed permission slip for entry. See ya in Room 18.
The final outreach meeting for Christian Club is today at lunch in room 19. Everyone is welcome! Food will still be provided!
If you are interested in joining a crew for Shrek Jr. join Google Classroom hs4xzk5 and fill out the Crew Interest Form. If you filled out the previous form, please fill out this new one as there have been some changes. Please read the descriptions and notes about what each crew does and when they’ll be meeting. Make sure you are available before signing up. We will share a meeting schedule with you before Winter Break.
DEC 9 - 13
Monday, December 9, 2024
Student Council Homeroom Representatives - the First STUDENT COUNCIL meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, December 10th at Lunch in the Fitness Room. Join the LMS Student Council Google Classroom 3hx7g3q
Come to the quad on Wednesday for the Blindfold Challenge noontime. Candy prizes will be given.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
The Lawson Winter Music Concerts will be held today and tomorrow:
Today, December 10: Orchestra at 5:30PM, Choir at 6:30PM
Tomorrow, December 11: Band at 5:30PM
Come support your amazing musician friends by joining us at the concert at the Event Center. The performance will feature a selection of holiday tunes. Admission is free. Hope to see you there!
Attention 7th graders: French Class is Open This Week @ Lunch! Hey Seventh Graders, are you still deciding which electives to take next year? Have you checked out the French class yet? If not, come and take a look! Check out all the fun activities we do, flip a crêpe, play games, listen to French music, and yes, enjoy some French food! We are open during lunch on Wednesday and Friday this week in Room 35! Hope to see you all there!
If you are interested in joining a crew for Shrek Jr. join Google Classroom hs4xzk5 and fill out the Crew Interest Form. If you filled out the previous form, please fill out this new one as there have been some changes. Please read the descriptions and notes about what each crew does and when they’ll be meeting. Make sure you are available before signing up. We will share a meeting schedule with you before Winter Break.
The winners of the 2024 American History Essay contest sponsored by DAR have just been chosen and our very own 8th grader, Varshini P won at the Chapter level for 8th grade. Her essay will move on to compete at the regional level and on from there! Winners of this contest are invited to the DAR February luncheon to read their essay and receive additional prizes. All participants will receive a certificate for participating! Congratulations to all our participants!
There are new Hard copy Books and new Ebooks in the Lawson Library! Please come in and check a new book out, especially for the holidays!
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Attention 8th graders that are going to Yosemite! Our December meeting will be tomorrow at lunch in the gym. Please grab your lunch and go to the gym right away.
The Lawson Winter Band Concert is this evening. The bands will be performing a variety of music such as concert band music, festive holiday tunes and the epic Mandalorian. Come and support your musician students and friends by joining us at the concert at the Event Center at 5:30PM. Hope to see you there!
Crochet Club! Tomorrow is our meeting! Hope to see you in Room 51 with your lunch…remember to bring your supplies if you don’t already have them in the room. Dungeons and Dragons club will have a meeting on Thursday at lunch in Room 41 for all groups including both dungeon masters and players. We need to discuss the possibility of playing games after school in school. If you are interested in that please come to the meeting as this will be critically important for the club going forward. See you there.
There will be no Christian Club meeting this Thursday due to the Yosemite meeting. Hope to see you all next week!
Attention All Students - We are seeing a lot of trash around the campus. Please keep up your mess after lunch and brunch. If we all clean up our own mess, we can have a cleaner campus.
Python Club is cancelled for today and next Wednesday, December 18th. Contact Mrs. Wynnell directly for more information.
Come to the quad today at lunch for the Blindfold Challenge noontime. Candy prizes will be given.
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Dungeons and Dragons club will have a meeting today at lunch in Room 41 for all groups including both dungeon masters and players. We need to discuss the possibility of playing games after school in school. If you are interested in that please come to the meeting as this will be critically important for the club going forward. See you there.
Attention 7th graders: French Class is Open Tomorrow @ Lunch!
Hey Seventh Graders, are you still deciding which electives to take next year? Have you checked out the French class yet? If not, come and take a look! Check out all the fun activities we do, flip a crêpe, play games, listen to French music, and yes, enjoy some French food! We are open during lunch tomorrow (Friday) in Room 35! Hope to see you all there!
Crochet Club! Today is our meeting! Hope to see you in Room 51 with your lunch…remember to bring your supplies if you don’t already have them in the room.
Hey Lawson students! The Lawson yearbook team is thrilled to present to you the opportunity to showcase your amazing and creative art skills to the Lawson student body! The Lawson’s Latest team is looking for holiday-themed submissions of a 4-6 panel comic (about a page) to be in the December magazine. Please check your email for more information if you are interested in submitting a comic.
Attention 8th graders that are going to Yosemite. Our December meeting will be TODAY at lunch in the gym. Please grab your lunch and go to the gym right away.
Friday, December 13, 2024
Hey Lawson students! The Lawson yearbook team is thrilled to present to you the opportunity to showcase your amazing and creative art skills to the Lawson student body! The Lawson’s Latest team is looking for holiday-themed submissions of a 4-6 panel comic (about a page) to be in the December magazine. Please check your email for more information if you are interested in submitting a comic.
Attention AMC 8 contestants! If you have received an email from Ms. Zhu titled "Action Required," you still have yet to complete your registration. Please check your school email and follow the steps provided or you will be unable to take the AMC 8 on January 22.
Thank you students who came out to audition for Shrek Jr. You all did a fabulous job and we are excited to start rehearsals right after Winter Break. The cast list will be posted after school today at 3:15 on Google Classroom. Stay tuned for the rehearsal schedule.
If you are interested in joining a crew for Shrek Jr, today is the last day to fill out the Google Form in our Google Classroom hs4xzk5. We will share a meeting schedule along with your assigned crew next week.
Check out the Bolt Buck winners from the last two months! Pick up your prizes in the office.
Students - please remember to check your student email regularly. Regularly should be every day or every couple of days. There are a lot of emails that are going unanswered. Please go to gmail.com and log in with your CUSD account to see your mail.
Do you play piano? Would you like to play piano for choir or orchestra? Auditions for piano spots available now. Please see Google Classroom 275te2s. Review the audition requirements and schedule an audition with Mr. Stern. Ask Mr. Stern if you have any questions.
Are you interested in joining Advanced Orchestra or Advanced Band for next school year, but are not currently taking a music class? Auditions are in the Spring and audition materials will be available around March. Please email Mr. Stern for Orchestra or Mrs. Pangilinan for Band to be added to the audition Google Classrooms. If you are currently in music class - do not email Mr. Stern or Mrs. P - you will receive information in class.
Today at lunch the choir will be singing in the Quad at the start of lunch. Come hear the Ukrainian Carol, better known as Carol of the Bells at the beginning of lunch.
Library Volunteer form for Session 2 will be available on the library google classroom starting on Monday. There are only a few spots open. Current volunteers have priority in continuing for the rest of the year. If you are interested, be sure to sign up as soon as possible. The new schedule will be posted on Wednesday on the library window and training ONLY for new volunteers will be at brunch on Friday Dec 20. All volunteers start working the week of January 6.
DEC 16 - 20
Monday, December 16, 2024
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Attention students and staff! Our next spirit day is this Thursday! Come to school in your pajamas and win points for your homeroom! In order to get points, you must be obviously dressed in pajamas or other night time gear to show your spirit!
Attention 7th graders: French Class is Open Today @ Lunch!
Hey Seventh Graders, are you still deciding which electives to take next year? Have you checked out the French class yet? If not, come and take a look! Check out all the fun activities we do, flip a crêpe, play games, listen to French music, and yes, enjoy some French food! We are open during lunch TODAY in Room 35! This is your last chance so hope to see you all there!
Today is the last day to sign up to be a library volunteer for Jan - May. Fill out the google form on the library google classroom. The schedule will be posted on Wednesday and there will be an orientation on Friday at brunch for all new volunteers.
The Shrek Jr. rehearsal schedule will be posted after school today on Google Classroom. Please look it over with your parents/guardians and make sure you can attend the rehearsals you are scheduled for. You will need to fill out the Conflict Calendar to let us know if you need to miss any rehearsals.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Library volunteer schedule will be posted on the library window today for next year. Be sure to check for your name. If it is not there, there will be a waiting list you can sign up for. Thank you to all the students who helped me this fall. The Lawson Library couldn’t function without your help.
Attention students and staff! Pajama Day is Tomorrow!!! Come to school in your pajamas and win points for your homeroom! In order to get points, you must be obviously dressed in pajamas or other night time gear to show your spirit!
Attention AMC 8 contestants! If you have received an email from Ms. Zhu titled "Action Required," you still have yet to complete your registration. Please check your school email and follow the steps provided or you will be unable to take the AMC 8 on January 22.
The Christian Club meeting will be held tomorrow at lunch in room 19. Everyone is welcome! Hope to see you there!
Attention 6th and 7th grade students! Make sure you fill out your elective form for next school year by TOMORROW, Thursday, December 19.
Attention All Students - write down your Google account password and iPad passcode if you have one set and keep it somewhere safe. We tend to forget it after the holiday break.
French class cake contest: Last week, the French class students had their annual holiday cake contest.The students made beautiful and delicious log-shaped cakes called Bûche de Noël. Some of our staff members were invited to judge the contest and prizes were given to the most beautiful and best tasting cakes. The contest was a huge success and everybody had a lot of fun making and eating the mouth-watering cakes!
Shrek Jr. crews will be posted on Google Classroom after school today. Thank you to all the students who showed interest in participating this year.
Thursday, December 19. 2024
Second period teachers please count your pajama wearing students and fill out the form sent to you before the end of 2nd period. In order to get points, you must be obviously dressed in pajamas or other night time gear to show your spirit!
Tomorrow at lunch, the library will be a NO IPAD zone. Students are encouraged to check out a hard copy to read over the break. We have many of the new releases including the latest Keeper of the Lost Cities Book 9.5. You can also check out a book on the California Young Reader Medalist list and turn in your feedback. Happy Reading everyone!
Christian Club is meeting today at lunch in room 19. See you there!
Attention 6th and 7th grade students! Your elective form for next school year is due TODAY by 3:05pm. Please make sure it is complete before the end of the school day.
“The December edition of Lawson's Latest magazine is available now! If you don’t see the Lawson's Latest Magazine in your 2nd period Google Classroom, ask your teacher to add it or you can join the Lawson’s Latest Google Classroom where you can see current (and archive) editions of the magazine!” Google Classroom code: kdesjji
Friday, December 20, 2024
Attention AMC 8 contestants! If you have received an email from Ms. Zhu titled "Action Required," you still have yet to complete your registration. Please check your school email and follow the steps provided or you will be unable to take the AMC 8 on January 22.
During lunch, come into the library to read and check out hard copy books. There will be no ipad usage allowed so if you have to do any work, do so during brunch. We will have the latest Keeper of the Lost Cities book available as well as the newest Dog Man book. Come in and see what we have! New Library volunteers need to come during brunch for a quick training.
We have the 9.5 Unraveled Keeper of the Lost Cities Book, TheSpy School Goes Wild Book, The Dog Man Big Jim Begins book, more Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hot Mess and the latest Graphic Novel copy of Wings of Fire book #8: Escaping Peril which is actually not due out till Dec 24. First come first serve!
“The December edition of Lawson's Latest magazine is available now! If you don’t see the Lawson's Latest Magazine in your 2nd period Google Classroom, ask your teacher to add it or you can join the Lawson’s Latest Google Classroom where you can see current (and archive) editions of the magazine!” Google Classroom code: kdesjji
Attention All Students - Write down your Google account password and iPad passcode if you have one set and keep it somewhere safe. If you haven’t done so, today is the day to write them down, we tend to forget it after the holiday break.
Thanks to everyone who came out at brunch yesterday and bought a hot chocolate to support the charity, One Warm Coat. We raised $255 dollars in 20 minutes! Way to go Lawson students! Thanks for helping us make a difference.
Have a fun, restful and safe holiday break!
Students who were cast in Shrek Jr…during Winter Break, start listening to the songs you will be performing in the show. They are all posted on our Google Classroom. The more you familiarize yourself with the music, the smoother the rehearsal process will be. Our first rehearsal will be our read through on Tuesday, January 7th. All cast members should attend as we will be going over important information.
NOV 4 - 8
Monday, November 4, 2024
Diwali: We will recognize Diwali at Lawson on Wednesday November 6. Students and staff are welcome to wear festive clothing to school. During brunch there will be a rangoli chalk activity. Happy Diwali to everyone!
Python Club is coming! Starting Wednesday, November 6th, students will be leading lessons on how to code using Python. Bring your lunch and your iPad to room 49. Everyone, regardless of experience, is welcome to join. We look forward to seeing you next Wednesday at lunch in room 49 for Python Club.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024
Student Council
Election Day is TODAY. Each Homeroom elects their representative to be your voice on Student Council.
Python Club is coming! Starting tomorrow, November 6th, students will be leading lessons on how to code using Python. Bring your lunch and your iPad to room 49. Everyone, regardless of experience, is welcome to join.
Math Club
Hi Lawson Mathematicians, don’t forget we have Math Club today and Thursday in room 56. Come challenge your math skills with other math enthusiasts. We hope to see you there!
Students don’t forget that the green bins around campus are for composting. Please do not throw plastic containers or wrappers into these bins. They are only for compostable items.
Come to the quad at lunch to play the Blown Away noontime! Candy prizes will be given.
We are celebrating Diwali at Lawson Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 6th. Please watch this video and come to the Rangoli chalk activity tomorrow at Brunch. Please come dressed in colorful clothes of your choice, only if you are comfortable - to celebrate Diwali on campus tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 6, 2024
8th graders going to Yosemite Tomorrow we will have our November student meeting in the gym at lunch. This is the meeting in which you will be choosing your cabin group. Please get your lunch quickly and go to the gym. This meeting will be for the students going to Yosemite ONLY. If you are not attending the trip please, DO NOT go to the gym.
Grab your lunch and head to room 49 today for the first meeting of the Python Coding Club. Everyone, regardless of experience, is welcome to join. Bring your iPad and we’ll see you there.
Diwali Rangoli chalk activity today at Brunch. Happy Diwali!
Come to the quad at lunch today to play the Blown Away noontime! Candy prizes will be given.
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Movie Club: Movie Club today! Will the treasure be found?? Da da daaa… See ya at lunch to find out. Want to join Movie Club? Get a permission slip outside of Room 18 and have a parent sign it, bring it back, and that’s the ticket for admission. :)
Friday, November 8, 2024
COLOR CLASH UNO: Don’t forget to get your lunch and come to room 49 today for the first of many UNO challenges. Each week your color has eight opportunities to add to your points. This week, your color can really dominate. There are open spots for every color which means walk-ins can play. Both red and green have three open slots, while purple and blue have four. If these spots are NOT claimed by their color, then they’re open to every other color, upping your chances of adding points to your team. Spectators are welcome. See you today at lunch!
Look out for the Lawson Latest magazine!!!
NOV 12 - 15
Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Check out these clues about Lawson’s upcoming musical this spring!
Attention Dungeons and Dragons players or those interested in playing the game as a player rather than as a DM, we are interested to know if you’d like to play. If this is something of interest to you, there will be a D&D club meeting this Thursday at lunch in Mr. Entous’ room 41. DM’s you don’t need to come, as this will be for players. If enough interest is gathered, then the club will officially launch soon.
Math Club: Hi Lawson Mathematicians, don’t forget we have Math Club today and Thursday in room 56. Come challenge and sharpen your math skills with other math enthusiasts. We hope to see you there!
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
Here are the next 2 clues about Lawson’s spring musical:Think you know what show it is? Stay tuned to find out later this week!
Thanksgiving is coming up, with that is our Lawson food drive, this amazing homeroom competition is perfect to give you a boost of points! To win, your homeroom must donate the most amount of food drive items per person, so don’t worry if you don't have a big class we calculate the points per person not total items. Anyone can win! And even if you do not win, you can have the satisfaction of helping someone.
Attention Dungeons and Dragons players or those interested in playing the game as a player rather than as a DM, we are interested to know if you’d like to play. If this is something of interest to you, there will be a D&D club players meeting this Thursday at lunch in Mr. Entous’ room 41. DM’s you don’t need to come, as this will be for players. If enough interest is gathered, then the club will officially launch soon.
Get your lunch and come to room 49 today for Python Coding Club. Everyone is welcome.
Attention Crochet Club! Tomorrow we will reconvene at lunch in Room 51 for more fun working on projects and getting help with our techniques. The club has grown, so it is first come, first serve for seats. Come and enjoy the fun!
Color Clash Point Update: Red is in the lead with 6,734, followed by purple with 6,613. Blue is holding steady in third place with 6,335 points with green close on its heels with 6,216 points. Upsets can happen at any time so be sure to take part in tomorrow’s obstacle course or Friday’s UNO games.
Thursday, November 14, 2024
Our Color Clash WEB Leaders are looking forward to seeing you today on the blacktop. Eat first then head over to the back tennis courts at 1:00 to complete the obstacle course. Each player earns points for their Color Clash team. Currently red is in the lead with 6,734 points, then purple with 6,613. Blue is in third place with 6,335 and green is on their heels with 6,216. Every point counts!
Here are the last 2 clues about Lawson’s musical: Stay tuned for the show reveal tomorrow. Next Wednesday, we will have an informational meeting at lunch for those who want to audition and perform in the show. The meeting will be held in the orchestra room (25). If you have any questions, talk to Miss Lee or Mr. Stern.
Friday, November 15, 2024
Today’s UNO players – get your lunch and come to room 49 to play for your color. Find your teacher’s name, sit down, and when all players are present, begin playing. Teams may play multiple rounds if they have time. There will be three games open to walk-ins. Seats will be given to the first twelve players to arrive regardless of color.
Have you guessed what this year’s musical is? Drumroll please…our show will be Shrek Jr. Come to the Musical informational meeting to find out more about the audition and rehearsal process.
NOV 18 - 22
Monday, November 18, 2024
Math Club: Hi Lawson Mathematicians, friendly reminder we have Math Club every Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 56. Come challenge and sharpen your math skills with other math enthusiasts. We hope to see you there!
Python Coding Club takes place every Wednesday in room 49. Bring your lunch and join others interested in learning to code with Python. All skill levels are welcome.
Please join the musical Google Classroom: qocrepd if you are interested in performing in the show this year. You will find all audition information posted here. Auditions will be held December 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, right after Thanksgiving break. We will create a separate Google Classroom for students who want to be on the stage manager, props, sets, costumes, lighting, sound, backstage, and house crews.
Bring your lunch and come to our Musical informational meeting this Wednesday, November 20th at lunch in room 25, the orchestra room. Any student who is interested in auditioning to sing, act, and dance in the spring musical is welcome to join. We’ll tell you all you need to know. Please come with questions or contact Miss Lee or Mr. Stern.
A Big Congratulations to our 2024 PTA Reflections Winners. The list will also be posted next to the Color Class Numbers and also in the library. Thank you to all those who participated. That is a great accomplishment in and of itself.
Tuesday November 19, 2024
Dungeons and Dragons Club: We are meeting today (Tuesday) because of the unpredictable conflicts with lunchtime activities. This week we will be putting together gaming groups and so we will need both DMs and players. Everyone who is interested in participating should come to Room 41 at lunch today. If you have not done so already, please join the Google Classroom for the club with the code m2swwye.
Yearbook Order info: Google Slide “To order the 2025 yearbook for $50, Go to yearbookordercenter.com and enter the code 12368.”
Attention Crochet Club! Thursday is almost here!We will reconvene at lunch in Room 51 for more fun working on projects and getting help with our techniques. The club has grown, so it is first come, first serve for seats. Come and enjoy the fun!
Christian Club will begin this Thursday, November 21st in Room 19. All are welcome, especially if you are not a Christian. In the meetings we will be sharing with you about the Bible and what it says about God’s love for man.
Come to the quad today at lunch for the Hanky Panky noontime activity.
Please join the musical Google Classroom with code: qocrepd if you are interested in singing, dancing, and acting in the show this year. There will be an informational meeting tomorrow at lunch in room 25, the orchestra room for students who want to audition. We will create a separate Google Classroom for students who want to join a crew. This includes props, sets, costumes, lighting, sound, and more. Stay tuned for more details.
Wednesday November 20, 2024
Color Clash’s weekly Uno games take place every Friday in room 49. Sign-ups are through your homeroom teacher and open seats are announced each Friday. Get your lunch first before heading to Mrs. Wynnell’s room to challenge your opponents.
Attention Crochet Club! Come tomorrow to enjoy time with old and new friends and a chance to work on your current project. We will reconvene at lunch in Room 51 to make gifts, scarves, blankets…wherever your skills and interests take you!
Christian Club will be held tomorrow at lunch in Room 19. You are invited to come - especially if you’re not a Christian! Come to learn more about what the Bible says about God’s love and His plan for your life.
Come to the quad tomorrow at lunch for the Fruit Roll Up Race. Candy prizes will be given.
Our Musical informational meeting is today at lunch in room 25, the orchestra room. Bring your lunch and come with any questions you have about the audition process.
Thursday, November 21, 2024
An announcement about Christian Club. The first Christian Club meeting has been rescheduled to December 5th, the Thursday after Thanksgiving Break. Many apologies for the inconvenience. We invite you to join us then!
Yearbook Order info: Google Slide “To order the 2025 yearbook for $50, Go to yearbookordercenter.com and enter the code 12368.”
Attention All Students - write down your Google account password and iPad passcode if you have one set and keep it somewhere safe. We tend to forget it after the holiday break.
Friday, November 22, 2024
Have a Happy and Safe Thanksgiving Break! See you on Monday, December 2nd!
There are twelve open spots for today’s Color Clash Uno Games. The first 12 students will be given the spots regardless of color; however, some players aren’t coming to represent their room which means there may be even more spots available. Be ready to swoop in and take advantage of these open slots to improve your color’s chances of winning.
Come to the Quad at lunch on December 4th to play the Reindeer Antler Toss! Test your throwing and catching skills! Candy prizes will be given!
The library is collecting information from now till the December break. You can fill out two forms. One is to make book recommendations and one is to review the 6 books that have been nominated for the California Young Reader Medal organization. The logins and QRcodes will be on the library google classroom and the library door on Friday.
SEP 30 - OCT 4
Monday Sep 30, 2024
The Book Fair is open at brunch and lunch in the Library today. Language arts classes start visiting during their class periods. Be sure to write books on your wishlists.
Attention all Homework Club students! Due to the library being closed from September 30th through October 4th for the book fair, homework club will take place in the following rooms:
Monday, September 30 - Room 11 (Ms. Younker’s room)
Tuesday, October 1 - Room 46 (Mrs. Nagarajan’s room)
Wednesday, October 2 - Room 16 (Mr. Henderson’s room)
Thursday, October 3 - Room 11 (Ms. Younker’s room)
All September Fantasy Contest entries must be turned in today! You can drop them off at the library or email them to Ms. Fujiki. Winners will be announced after the Book Fair! Come to the library after the book fair and read what your fellow students are recommending.
Come out to the quad for the Head to Head noontime activity on Wednesday, October 2nd. Participants compete to throw ping pong balls into the baskets of their partner’s heads. Candy prizes will be given! Come on out and go Head to Head!!!!!
Thank you to the amazing team of WEB Leaders who presented at the CUSD Board Meeting on Thursday, September 26th. They did a fantastic job of explaining the Lawson WEB program to the board and executive cabinet. We are so proud of you and thankful for all you do for Lawson!
The Book Fair is open at brunch and lunch in the Library today. Language arts classes start visiting during their class periods. Be sure to write books on your wishlists.
Tuesday, Oct 1, 2024
The Book Fair has great books, posters and cool gadgets! Come in at Brunch and Lunch.
Language Arts classes that didn’t visit yesterday will visit today. Check this book out today!
Come out to the quad for the Head to Head noontime activity tomorrow at lunch! Participants compete to throw ping pong balls into the baskets of their partner’s heads. Candy prizes will be given! Come on out and go Head to Head!!!!!
Wednesday, Oct 2, 2024
Don’t forget to visit the Scholastic Book Fair! The winner of the Monday’s Book Fair raffle is Ryota D. Please come to the Book Fair to pick up your prize.
ATTENTION ALL BICYCLISTS: Please WALK your bike into the bike cages on Merritt Drive. While our parking lot is under construction, pedestrians and bicyclists must share the sidewalk onto campus. Bicyclists must get off their bikes and walk them into the bike cages to ensure everyone’s safety. Thanks!
Attention Lawson Ladies! Girls volleyball starts soon. Please come to the Fitness Room tomorrow at Brunch to learn about the tryout process. Tryouts start 10/14.
Come out to the quad for the Head to Head noontime activity today at lunch! Candy prizes will be given! Come on out and go Head to Head!!!!!
Thursday, Oct 3, 2024
Come to the Book Fair today and come tonight during the PTA family night. Bring your parents and buy some books for your teachers! Here is a suspenseful book you and your classmates might enjoy reading!
The winner of Tuesday’s Book Fair prize is Juwon Y. Please come to the Book Fair to pick up your prize.
Attention Lawson Ladies. Girls volleyball starts soon. Please come to the Fitness Room today at Brunch to learn about the tryout process.
ATTENTION ALL BICYCLISTS: Please WALK your bike into the bike cages on Merritt Drive. While our parking lot is under construction, pedestrians and bicyclists must share the sidewalk onto campus. Bicyclists must get off their bikes and walk them into the bike cages to ensure everyone’s safety. Thanks!
Color Clash Chaos Challenge 2 – Noontime activity ducks & sticker
Please remember to use the composting bins around the campus. We are noticing too much garbage around the bins, please throw the trash away in the right bins.
The PTA wrapping paper fundraiser has started. Check Parent Square for more information and how to participate. It is all virtual, so it should be a piece of cake!
A reminder for the Lawson MathCounts team that our first practice is tomorrow, October 4th, from 3:15 to 4:45 in Mr. Chen’s room (Room 19). See you there!
Today is the last day of the Book Fair! Be sure to buy your books by the end of lunch. If you still want to buy books, you can do so for another week when you go to the online Book Fair. Use the link that is on the Book Fair posters!
Wednesday’s winner is Zachary Chu from Ms. Orlando’s class. Please come to the library and pick up your prize.
Congratulations BLUE TEAM. Ms. Bautista, one of Lawson’s Rainbow Sprites sprinkled her magic and gave you 100 extra points. We’re all atwitter with
ATTENTION ALL BICYCLISTS: Please WALK your bike into the bike cages on Merritt Drive. While our parking lot is under construction, pedestrians and bicyclists must share the sidewalk onto campus. Bicyclists must get off their bikes and walk them into the bike cages to ensure everyone’s safety. Thanks!
Attention, all Future Lawson Wrestlers - There will be an informational meeting in the gym on Monday, October 7th at lunch. If you are interested in being part of the team, please attend this meeting. Wrestling is co-ed (Boys & Girls). You only wrestle people who are the same weight as you, and this is a no-cut sport, so if you follow all of the signup directions, you are on the team. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Jensen or Mr. Butler, and see you on Monday at lunch in the gym. Go, Lawson!!!
The PTA wrapping paper fundraiser has started. Check Parent Square for more information and how to participate. It is all virtual, so it should be a piece of cake!
A reminder for the Lawson MathCounts team that our first practice is today, October 4th, from 3:15 to 4:45 in Mr. Chen’s room (Room 19). See you there!
Announcing the first edition of the Lawson Middle School Magazine, “Lawson’s Latest”
OCT 7 - 11
Monday, October 7, 2024
Attention, all Future Lawson Wrestlers - There will be an informational meeting in the gym at lunch today! Get your lunch first, and then head to the gym. If you are interested in being part of the team, please attend this meeting. Wrestling is co-ed (Boys & Girls). You only wrestle people who are the same weight as you, and this is a no-cut sport, so if you follow all of the signup directions, you are on the team. If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Jensen or Mr. Butler, and see you at lunch. Go, Lawson!!!
Come to the quad on Wednesday at lunch for the Steal or No Steal noontime activity. Test your luck and win candy prizes!
Thank you Lawson for coming to this year’s Book Fair and making it such a success. We earned over $6000. Thank you to all my wonderful student and parent volunteers for all their help and hard work.
Thursday’s Book Fair gift certificate was Sihi S and Friday’s winner was Sion M. We also had a teacher raffle and Mr. Entous was our winner. We had 6 poster winners from our game as well. Congratulations everyone.
Join the brand new ‘24-’25 Lawson Movie Club in Room 18 this coming Thursday, October 10 and Friday, October 11 for our first movie (shhhhh...all movies are a surprise). Bring your lunch and get ready to meet some new friends who also have an appreciation for chillin' to a good film. On movie days, while the room will be open immediately, the movie will start five minutes after the lunch bell, so hurry on over. The maximum number of students admitted for each movie session will be set at 32. Hope to see ya there! Important Note: Prior to this coming Thursday’s club meeting, you will need to come by Room 18 to pick up a hard-copy permission slip to be signed by a parent allowing you to view PG rated movies. The parent signed permission will be your “magical movie” ticket to be admitted into our theater..
Again, no signed permission slip, no entry.
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
Tickets for the social entry plus boba go on sale today at brunch in front of room 17. Tickets are $4.00 in advance, $5.00 at the door. Boba is on pre-sale only and is $6.00. Tickets will only be available through Thursday, so get your tickets today!
Golf Club: Check out the “Angry Birdies” Golf Club! Whether you’re a pro with a putter or someone who just thinks “fore” is 2 squared, all are welcome. We’ll see you during lunch in room 29 on Mondays and Tuesdays, weekly.
Student ID Card - Our student ID system is ready to print new student IDs. Please come to the office to get one.
Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Tickets for the social entry plus boba are on sale today at brunch in front of room 17. Tickets are $4.00 in advance, $5.00 at the door. Boba is on pre-sale only and is $6.00. Tickets will only be available through Thursday, so get your tickets today! Advance purchase of Food tickets will be available Friday only.
Student ID Card - Our student ID system is ready to print new student IDs. Please come to the office to get one.
8th grade girls volleyball players. First round of tryouts will be held tomorrow after school in the gym. Tryouts may last until 5:00. 6th & 7th grade tryouts will start next week. Please make sure that you are looking at the tryout lists taped to the gym doors. See Mr. Butler if you have any questions.
Thursday, October 10, 2024
Today is the last day to get your tickets for the social entry plus boba. Come buy your tickets in front of room 17 at brunch today. Tickets are $4.00 in advance, $5.00 at the door. Boba is on pre-sale only and is $6.00. Tickets will only be available through Thursday, so get your tickets today! Advance purchase of Food tickets will be available Friday only.
Movie Club starts today! If you have your “magical movie ticket,” that is your parent signed permission slip, We’ll see you at the very start of lunch in Room 18. Don’t miss out.
Math Club: Lawson students, are you ready to unlock the secrets of numbers and have a blast while doing it? If so, join the Math Club, where we solve puzzles, tackle brain teasers, and even enjoy math-themed games! Whether you're a math whiz or just curious, all are welcome. But be fast! Spots are limited. Plus, you'll make new friends who share your love for math, creativity, and problem-solving. Don't miss out on the fun— come be a part of our math-tastic adventure every Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunchtime room 56, starting next Tuesday, October 15th!
Today is world mental health day!
Friday, October 11, 2024
Important information about today’s social! 7th period teachers will receive wristbands for students that have pre-purchased their entry ticket, as well as boba. Students that have NOT purchased tickets should be released at 3:00 and if they are intending to buy a ticket for the social, they leave campus, then come in through the gate by the front office. All students with their wrist bands leave your room at 3:05 and then come straight to the social after dropping your backpack in rooms 27, 28, or 29.
WEB Lunch Connection will be happening on Monday October 14th
Library News: The winners of September’s Fantasy Contest are posted on the library door. If you are a winner, please come to the library on Monday at lunch.
Remember the American History Contest is ongoing and your essays are due Oct 31.
OCT 14 - 18
Monday, October 14, 2024
All 8th graders going to Yosemite, we will have our October student meeting tomorrow (Tuesday October 15th) at lunch. Get your lunch quickly and go to the gym.
Math Club: Lawson students, are you ready to unlock the secrets of numbers and have a blast while doing it? If so, join the Math Club, where we solve puzzles, tackle brain teasers, and even enjoy math-themed games! Whether you're a math whiz or just curious, all are welcome. But be fast! Spots are limited. Plus, you'll make new friends who share your love for math, creativity, and problem-solving. Don't miss out on the fun— come be a part of our math-tastic adventure every Tuesdays and Thursdays at lunchtime room 56, starting tomorrow Tuesday, October 15th!
Robotics Club: It’s time to welcome the return of our automated overlords! Starting this Wednesday, October 16th, Robotics club will be starting! Immediately after school, come to room 48 (Mr C’s room)! It will be one hour after school every Wednesday! We will be learning programing, using software, and tinkering with building robots. All are welcome!
A Big Shout out to all of the Leadership Students and WEB leaders that helped make Friday’s social a success! All of your hard work is so appreciated! Thanks for all you do.
Attention Sixth Graders - Today is the WEB Lunch Connection. You should have already received information about this in your WEB Google Classroom. Please take/get lunch and meet your WEB Leaders at the meeting spot that is assigned for you. WEB leaders are really excited to meet you all and they have a surprise treat for all of you.
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Robotics Club: It’s time to welcome the return of our automated overlords! Starting this Wednesday, October 16th, Robotics club will be starting! Immediately after school, come to room 48 (Mr C’s room)! It will be one hour after school every Wednesday! We will be learning programing, using software, and tinkering with building robots. All are welcome!
Math Club: Lawson students, are you ready to unlock the secrets of numbers and have a blast while doing it? If so, join the Math Club, where we solve puzzles, tackle brain teasers, and even enjoy math-themed games! Whether you're a math whiz or just curious, all are welcome. But be fast! Spots are limited. Plus, you'll make new friends who share your love for math, creativity, and problem-solving. Don't miss out on the fun— come be a part of our math-tastic adventure every Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting TODA at lunchtime in room 56! We hope to see you there!
Music Concert: Wednesday is the first music concert of the year. This concert will feature our most experienced students in Advanced Band, Chamber Orchestra, and Dynamics Choir. All are welcome to this free event in the Event Center on Wednesday at 5:30pm. The concert will be approximately one hour long. There will be some Halloween themed pieces as well as a Band and Orchestra Combined Phantom of the Opera Medley.
Wednesday, October 16, 2024
Tonight is the first music concert of the year. This concert will feature our most experienced students in Advanced Band, Chamber Orchestra, and Dynamics Choir. All are welcome to this free event in the Event Center on Wednesday at 5:30pm. The concert will be approximately one hour long. There will be some Halloween themed pieces as well as a Band and Orchestra Combined Phantom of the Opera Medley.
Big Thanks to all the WEB Leaders for organizing the October WEB Lunch Connection. It was nice to see all the Sixth Graders doing different activities with their WEB groups. Great work WEB Leaders and WEBBIES!
Lawson PTA Reflections Competition: Put your creativity skills into play!
Our great Lawson PTA is offering another year of their arts competition - Reflections. This year’s theme is “Accepting Imperfection”.
You can get all the information and details on the PTA website: https://www.samlawsonpta.org/programs/reflections
The Lawson PTA Reflections program deadline to submit your entries is Oct 22nd. The winner of each category will move on to the next level and could possibly make it all the way to the national level of the competition!
Make sure to read the details and rules of the submissions for each category, if they are not followed your submission can be disqualified! Remember you are only allowed one entry per category!
Reminder to wear yellow. Video
Thursday, October 17, 2024
Please pick up your trash and don’t forget about using the compost bins correctly.
Friday, October 18, 2024
The library will be closed today and on Monday during brunch and lunch because Ms. Fujiki will be off site. Students can still drop books off in the Book Drop bins and come into the library to print. They will need to let Ms. Hoang know if they come in to print.
Ipads cannot be used outside of the library when the library is closed so plan accordingly.
Mr. Stern and Mrs. P would like to congratulate all of the Chamber Orchestra, Advanced Band and Dynamics Choir for their outstanding performance on Wednesday - You all ROCKED IT! We would also like to give a big thank you to our principal, the teachers and students who came and helped out and came to show their support. Our next music concert will be in December.
OCT 21 - 25
Monday, October 21, 2024
Come to the quad at lunch on Wednesday for the Minute to Win it, noontime activity. Candy prizes will be given.
A reminder that the library is closed today during brunch and lunch. Students can still drop books off in the Book Drop bins and come into the library to print. They will need to let Ms. Hoang know if they come in to print. Ipads cannot be used outside of the library when the library is closed so plan accordingly.
Tomorrow all Reflections entries have to be turned into the PTA. You turn your entries in online.
Hi Lawson Mathematicians, don’t forget our Math Club is on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 56. Come challenge your math skills with other math enthusiasts. We hope to see you there this week!
Join the Crochet Club! Looking for a fun and creative way to spend your lunch break? Come to Room 51 on Thursdays and get hooked on crochet! Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, all skill levels are welcome. Just bring a crochet hook, a ball of yarn, and your sense of adventure. We’ll explore cool projects, learn new techniques, and make some awesome new friends along the way. Beginners are welcome;. Don’t miss out—let’s stitch and chat!
Tuesday, October 22, 2024
All Reflections entries must be turned in online today. Good luck everyone
Yo, yo, yo, listen up, it’s time to unwind,
Looking for fun? Got a creative grind?
Thursdays in Room 51, come and get hooked,
Bring your yarn and your hook, let’s get this book cooked!
No matter your skill, whether new or a pro,
Join the crew, let your talents flow.
We’ll explore cool projects, learn some fresh tricks,
Stitch and chat, mix it up, it’s a sweet fix!
So don’t sit alone, come and make some friends,
Adventure awaits, the fun never ends!
Grab your gear, let’s make some art,
Thursdays at noon, it’s the place to start!
Hi Lawson Mathematicians, don’t forget our Math Club is on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 56. Come challenge your math skills with other math enthusiasts. We hope to see you there this week!
Chess club is finally here! All skill levels are welcome to learn chess, practice openings, develop mid game tactics, and how to close. Chess club is Thursdays after school from 3:10-4:10 in room 48…start date TBD! Long live the king!
Wednesday, October 23, 2024
Tomorrow, we will be starting a brand new movie. Come visit Room 18 at lunch to join your friends already in the club. Don’t forget, you do need a parent signed permission slip as your “golden ticket” to enter the theater. Pick one up outside the door of Room 18. See ya tomorrow for movie magic!
Speech and Debate club: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGTxLWqFgc/diLLY5elCAbKovz4-GDB-g/edit
Join the Crochet Club! Come get tangled at the Crochet Club! Come to room 51 at lunch tomorrow! WE WANT YOU!
Chess club is finally here! All skill levels are welcome to learn chess, practice openings, develop mid game tactics, and how to close. Chess club is Thursdays after school from 3:10-4:10 in room 48, start date TBD!
Today is week 2 of the Robotics Club! No worries if you missed last week, come after school to room 48.
Dungeons and Dragon’s DM Workshop
Attention all adventurers and storytellers! Are you ready to embark on a journey into the world of tabletop role-playing games? We are excited to announce an upcoming workshop for students who are interested in learning how to become a Dungeon Master!
A Dungeon Master is the storyteller and referee in Dungeons & Dragons. As a DM, you'll create exciting adventures, guide players through epic quests, and bring fantastical worlds to life!
You will learn how to...
Understand the core rules and mechanics of being a DM.
Develop your own unique stories and characters.
Master the art of managing game sessions and keeping players engaged.
Enhance your ability to think on your feet and adapt to player actions.
This workshop is open to all Lawson students who have an interest in storytelling, creativity, and gaming. Whether you're a seasoned player or new to the world of role-playing games, this is the perfect opportunity to learn and grow.
If you are interested, come to a meeting in Mr. Entous' room 41 during lunch on Thursday.
Don't miss out on this chance to become the master of your own adventures! We look forward to seeing you there. Let the adventure begin! If we get enough interest, this meeting might develop into a full fledged Dungeons and Dragons club.
Attention students: At 3:05 daily dismissal, please make sure to leave campus promptly or head directly to your after-school activity. Let's keep things running smoothly by following this rule every day. Thanks for your cooperation
Heads Up Color Clashers. Our next head to head is Thursday, November 14th. The Color Clash WEB Leaders have devised an obstacle course for you to best. Each student competitor who completes the course earns a ticket towards your color with teachers earning 10 points. The dress code is SPORTS. Come wearing your jersey, your baseball hat, your catcher’s mask, shin guards, etc. Lawson PE uniforms DO NOT COUNT. Dress for your team and sport. Go Awesome Lawson.
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Color Clash points have been updated. Purple is in the lead with 6154 points followed by red with 5946 points. Blue follows with 5816 points, and green trails with 5380 points. It’s still any color’s game so be on the lookout for point-earning events… Such as…
Color Clashers – There’s a new way to earn points for your color. Playing UNO! Mrs. Wynnell will be hosting Uno games on Fridays during lunch in her classroom. There will be eight games running concurrently with each game having a player from each color. First player out earns the total points of their competitors cards for their color. However, if no one shows up for a particular color, the spot is open first to any other player of that color. But if there’s no one to play that color, anyone may fill that spot meaning colors may double up. Sign-ups are through your homeroom teacher. Looking forward to our first game on Friday, November 8th.
Heads Up Color Clashers! Our next head to head is Thursday, November 14th. The Color Clash WEB Leaders have devised an obstacle course for you to best. Each student competitor who completes the course earns a ticket towards your color with teachers earning 10 points. The dress code is SPORTS. Come wearing your jersey, your baseball hat, your catcher’s mask, shin guards, etc. Lawson PE uniforms DO NOT COUNT. Dress for your team and sport. Go Awesome Lawson
Dungeons and Dragon’s DM Workshop
Attention all adventurers and storytellers! Are you ready to embark on a journey into the world of tabletop role-playing games? We are excited to announce an upcoming workshop for students who are interested in learning how to become a Dungeon Master!
If you are interested, come to a meeting in Mr. Entous' room 41 during lunch today!
Don't miss out on this chance to become the master of your own adventures! We look forward to seeing you there. Let the adventure begin! If we get enough interest, this meeting might develop into a full fledged Dungeons and Dragons club.
Attention all Kindness Crew Kaptains, welcome to a new year of kindness!
There will be a meeting held at lunch in Room 22 on Friday to spread a little kindness around campus. Bring a friend and see you there!
Attention Students! If you ride your bike to school, please get off your bicycle and walk it onto campus as soon as you approach the sidewalk and closed parking lot. There is a very narrow walkway between the construction fencing and the sidewalk and we want to make sure everyone is safe. ALSO, the fencing is there for your protection. Please do NOT push on the fencing to try and squeeze by on the sidewalk. We know the fencing is an inconvenience but construction will be over soon and we need you to get in a few extra steps and go around. Thank you!
Friday, October 25, 2024
If you ride your bike to school, please get off your bicycle and walk it onto campus as soon as you approach the sidewalk and closed parking lot. There is a very narrow walkway between the construction fencing and the sidewalk and we want to make sure everyone is safe. ALSO, the fencing is there for your protection. Please do NOT push on the fencing to try and squeeze by on the sidewalk. We know the fencing is an inconvenience but construction will be over soon and we need you to get in a few extra steps and go around. Thank you!
Color Clash points have been updated. Purple is in the lead with 6154 points followed by red with 5946 points. Blue follows with 5816 points, and green trails with 5380 points. It’s still any color’s game so take advantage of the monthly Uno games to increase your team’s points.
Color Clashers – There’s a new way to earn points for your color. Playing UNO! Mrs. Wynnell will be hosting Uno games on Fridays during lunch in her classroom. There will be eight games running concurrently with each game having a player from each color. First player out earns the total points of their competitors cards for their color. However, if no one shows up for a particular color, the spot is open first to any other player of that color. But if there’s no one to play that color, anyone may fill that spot meaning colors may double up. Sign-ups are through your homeroom teacher. Looking forward to our first game on Friday, November 8th.
Attention all Kindness Crew Kaptains, welcome to a new year of kindness!
There will be a meeting today held at lunch in Room 22 to spread a little kindness around campus. Bring a friend and see you there!
OCT 28 - 31
Monday, October 28, 2024
If you ride your bike to school, please get off your bicycle and walk it onto campus as soon as you approach the sidewalk and closed parking lot. There is a very narrow walkway between the construction fencing and the sidewalk and we want to make sure everyone is safe. ALSO, the fencing is there for your protection. Please do NOT push on the fencing to try and squeeze by on the sidewalk. We know the fencing is an inconvenience but construction will be over soon and we need you to get in a few extra steps and go around. Thank you!
Math Club: Hi Lawson Mathematicians, don’t forget our Math Club is on Tuesdays and Thursdays in room 56. Come challenge your math skills with other math enthusiasts. We hope to see you there this week!
Speech and Debate club: Please play this video: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGTxLWqFgc/diLLY5elCAbKovz4-GDB-g/edit
Yearbook Order info: Google Slide
For this month's Lawson’s Latest magazine, we're featuring a student who draws comics. If you want to spread your art around the school, turn in a comic strip to the email: 367628@cusdk8.org. The Lawson’s Latest team is looking for comic submissions of a 4-6 panel comic (about a page) to be in this magazine. Only 1 submission per student per edition is allowed and the winner will be handpicked by the comic staff to be featured in the Lawson’s Latest magazine. However, do not fret if your comic isn’t featured in the current month's magazine, as your comic submission for the last edition may be included in the next! You will also have an opportunity to submit another comic for next month's magazine if you didn’t make it. You may use digital art, traditional, or even paint! Just make sure the image of the comic is clear and legible. Comics don’t have to be fully colored as well. Be creative and have fun! Remember: all comics have to be school appropriate. We look forward to seeing your amazing original comics Lawson!
Tuesday, October 29, 2024
Yearbook Order info: Google Slide
Attention Kindness Captains. Please remember to come to Room 22 at lunch today to finish our project we started last week.
Attention Students! Thursday is Halloween and a Spirit Day! Come to school in your costume to win spirit points for your class and compete in a Homeroom Competition for the best costume!
At brunch on Thursday, if you are wearing your costume, there will be trick or treating in participating classrooms. Look for decorated classroom doors and say the magic words: “Trick or Treat” to get either a fun treat…. Or a trick! So join the fun!
Today at the beginning of Lunch, join the Lawson Chamber Orchestra in the Quad for a special lunchtime performance of “Rosin Eating Zombies from Outer Space.”
This piece is an homage to the “B” monster movies of the 1970s.
Lunch Club Alert! Join Us for Crochet Fun! 🌟
Hey, crafty friends! This week, we're diving into crochet at our lunch club meeting, and we'd love to have YOU join us! Whether you're a seasoned pro or brand-new to the art of crocheting, everyone is welcome—and we mean everyone! We’ll have plenty of hooks and yarn for you to use, so just bring your enthusiasm and any ideas you want to try out.
Let’s have a cozy and creative lunch break together! See you in Room 51 on Thursday)😊 Join our Google Classroom with the following code: edkonq7
Wednesday, October 30, 2024
Halloween Guidelines:
We love Halloween and seeing students dressed up! Please be sure to follow our school guidelines!
* Please, no weapons
* No full face masks, any oversized props, or other distracting costumes during class time. We know it’s a fun day but you still have learning to do!
* No excessive fake blood, a little is fine but if it's dripping on the floor it's too much. No overtly violent costumes.
* Makeup and hair must be done before school (not at school) and we need all students to follow the school dress code.
**We always reserve the right to ask you to change if your costume inappropriate or too distracting**
Happy Halloween! Let’s make it a fun day!
Yearbook Order info: Google Slide
Dungeons and Dragons: Dungeon Masters assemble in Room 41 at lunch today to discuss plans going forward. We have a lot of interest in dungeons and dragons and we need to discuss how we are going to get several groups started. Dungeons and Dragons players, expect to hear more in the next couple of weeks.
Attention Students! Thursday is Halloween and Spirit Day! Come to school in your costume to win spirit points for your class and compete in a Homeroom Competition for the best costume!
At brunch on Thursday, if you are wearing your costume, there will be trick or treating in participating classrooms. Look for decorated classroom doors and say the magic words: “Trick or Treat” to get either a fun treat…. Or a trick! So join the fun!
Congratulations to the seventh and eighth grade girls volleyball team for beating Miller on Monday. All three teams played well and put up a good fight.
Chess Club: Chess club will start next Thursday, 11/7. Apologies for the confusion for last week. All skill levels are welcome to learn chess, practice openings, develop mid game tactics, and how to close. Chess club is Thursdays after school from 3:10-4:10 in room 48. The Google Classroom code is omr3aay. Long live the king!
Lunch Club Alert! Join Us for Crochet Fun! 🌟
Hey, crafty friends! This week, we're diving into crochet at our lunch club meeting, and we'd love to have YOU join us! Whether you're a seasoned pro or brand-new to the art of crocheting, everyone is welcome—and we mean everyone! We’ll have plenty of hooks and yarn for you to use, so just bring your enthusiasm and any ideas you want to try out.
Let’s have a cozy and creative lunch break together! See you in Room 51 on THURSDAY😊 Join our Google Classroom with the following code: edkonq7Please read this Google Slide and then show the second slide in the two-slide deck (it is an example of a project).
Thursday, October 31, 2024
Yearbook Order info: Google Slide
Grab your lunch and come to the quad today for some live, spooky Halloween “rock music! The Advanced Band will be presenting to you COUNT ROCKULA. Look out and listen for the clarinets and percussion as they will be making some quirky sound effects! Boo!
The American History Contest essay is due today. Be sure to submit it online. If you have any questions, see Ms. Fujiki.
Homeroom teachers! The Spirit Day Count form has been emailed to you. Please count the number of Halloween costumes in your class and also decide on the most creative and the scariest costume winners from your class. The pictures of these winners will be sent to Leadership and voted to determine the winning class. Good luck!!
Today at brunch, if you are wearing your costume, there will be trick or treating in participating classrooms. Look for decorated classroom doors and say the magic words: “Trick or Treat” to get either a fun treat…. Or a trick! Join the fun!
Girls volleyball put up a good fight against Graham on Tuesday, but only the 8th grade girls were able to pull off a win. Good effort girls!
Looking forward to seeing you TODAY at lunch for the Crochet Club in Room 51! Remember to bring your lunch and be ready to GET HOOKED!
SEP 3 - 6
Tuesday, September 3, 2024
A few reminders: Students who have a first period, must wait outside the gates until 7:50 am unless you are dropping off your music instrument. Once you do that, you must exit the campus and wait until 7:50. For students who start their day in the second period, you must wait outside the gates until the warning bell rings at 8:50 am.
Also, there is no eating on the blacktop, field, or tennis courts. This is true for the bleachers located in those areas.
Please watch the short video on how to apply to be a part of the Lawson Student Body Cabinet. Applications and videos are due by 3:05 on Friday
Attention all students! Homework club has been approved and will be starting up soon! Stay tuned for more information!
The Library is officially open today. Come in during brunch or lunch to check out books and study. If you applied to work in the library, the schedule is posted on the library door. If your name is on the calendar, come to the training session at the beginning of lunch on Wednesday, Sept 4. Thank you to all our applicants. Unfortunately there are usually more applicants than spaces so if your name is not on the calendar, you are welcome to sign the wait list.
The Fantasy Library contest has started. Read a Fantasy book from now till Sept 30 and submit a Book Review. The top 25 reviews will win a poster of your choice from Ms. Fujiki’s collection. Forms are available in the library, on the library google classroom or with your ELA teacher.
Looking forward to reading all the great reviews!
One of our Lawson goals this year is to encourage students to start Composting. WEB Leaders will be by the composting bins all this week, to guide students on what should go in composting bins. Please watch the fun video put together by our WEB Leaders
Wednesday, September 4, 2024
Student Cabinet application videos are due Friday by 3:05.
Attention all students! Homework club has been approved and will be starting up soon! Stay tuned for more information!
One of our Lawson goals this year is to encourage students to start Composting. WEB Leaders will be by the composting bins all this week, to guide students on what should go in composting bins.
The Library officially opened yesterday. Come in during brunch or lunch to check out books and study. If you applied to work in the library, the schedule is posted on the library door. If your name is on the calendar, come to the training session at the beginning of lunch on Wednesday, Sept 4. Thank you to all our applicants. Unfortunately there are usually more applicants than spaces so if your name is not on the calendar, you are welcome to sign the wait list.
The Fantasy Library contest has started. Read a Fantasy book from now till Sept 30 and submit a Book Review. The top 25 reviews will win a poster of your choice from Ms. Fujiki’s collection. Forms are available in the library, on the library google classroom or with your ELA teacher.
Looking forward to reading all the great reviews!
Thursday, Sep 5, 2024
Attention all students! Homework club has been approved and will be starting on Monday, September 9!
One of our Lawson goals this year is to encourage students to start Composting. WEB Leaders will be by the composting bins all this week, to guide students on what should go in composting bins.
The Fantasy Library contest has started. Read a Fantasy book from now till Sept 30 and submit a Book Review. The top 25 reviews will win a poster of your choice from Ms. Fujiki’s collection. Forms are available in the library, on the library google classroom or with your ELA teacher. Looking forward to reading all the great reviews!
Student council application videos are due tomorrow by 3:05PM
Lawson Spirit Wear reminder- If you are interested in ordering Lawson sweatshirts, sweatpants, or other Lawson Logo wear, the deadline for orders is this week. Ask your PE teacher to try on sample sizes if you are unsure of your size. There are no refunds on these special orders. Also, please ask your 2nd period teacher what color you are for Color Clash if you would like to purchase a shirt in your color.
Friday, Sep 6, 2024
One of our Lawson goals this year is to encourage students to start Composting. WEB Leaders will be by the composting bins all this week, to guide students on what should go in composting bins.
Are you interested in math? Do you want to further develop and enhance your problem-solving skills? It’s time to sign up for the American Mathematics Competition. Lawson will host two tests, the AMC 10B test in November and AMC 8 in January, both after school on campus. Please read the AMC 8 and AMC 10B Student Information posted in your math class’s Google Classroom to learn how you can register for the exams through your CUSD email. The last day to sign up is September 23rd!
Lawson Spirit Wear reminder- If you are interested in ordering Lawson sweatshirts, sweatpants, or other Lawson Logo wear, the deadline for orders is this week. Ask your PE teacher to try on sample sizes if you are unsure of your size. There are no refunds on these special orders. Also, please ask your 2nd period teacher what color you are for Color Clash if you would like to purchase a shirt in your color.
SEP 9 - 13
Monday, September 9, 2024
Mathcounts season is here! Mathcounts is a national math competition which Lawson participates in every spring. Practices will be held on Wednesdays throughout the year until February when chapter competitions begin. If you are interested in trying out for the Lawson Mathcounts team, we will be holding tryouts from 3:10-4:15 tomorrow through Thursday by grade level: 8th grade tryouts will be tomorrow, September 10th. 7th grade tryouts will be on Wednesday, September 11th, and 6th grade tryouts on Thursday, September 12th. All tryouts will be held in rooms 51, 55, and 56 (Mrs. Bernat’s, Mr. Montes’s, and Mrs. Jiang’s rooms, respectively). Please bring a pencil, eraser, and a charged iPad, and charge your iPad at lunch if you use it a lot throughout the day. We look forward to seeing you there!
Note: If you cannot make it to your scheduled tryout date due to other commitments, please email Mr. Chen (chen_aletheia@cusdk8.org).
Please don’t forget to compost the appropriate items. Look for the green bins and do your part!!!
Please remember there is no food allowed on the blacktop, tennis courts, and field.
Tuesday September 10, 2024
Mathcounts tryouts begin after school today for 8th grade in rooms 51, 55, and 56. 7th grade tryouts will take place after school tomorrow, and 6th grade after school on Thursday, September 12th. Please bring a pencil, eraser, and a charged iPad. If you typically run out of charge by the end of the day, please ask one of your teachers if you can charge it in their classrooms during lunch. Remember that if you cannot make it to your scheduled tryout date due to other commitments, please email Mr. Chen at chen_aletheia@cusdk8.org. We look forward to seeing you at the tryouts!
Students, please take care of our new volleyball nets and stay off them—that is, do not hang on them, pull them down, or try to jump over them. Also, do not lower or raise the volleyball nets without asking a PE teacher to help you, as they are set up for PE classes.
Please remember there is no food allowed on the blacktop, tennis courts, and field.
Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Students, please take care of our new volleyball nets and stay off them—that is, do not hang on them, pull them down, or try to jump over them. Also, do not lower or raise the volleyball nets without asking a PE teacher to help you, as they are set up for PE classes.
The Lawson Homework Club starts on Monday, September 16! (Show video - LINK)
Please remember there is no food allowed on the blacktop, tennis courts, and field.
Thursday, September 12, 2024
6th grade Mathcounts tryouts will take place after school today in rooms 51, 55, and 56 (Mrs. Bernat’s, Mr. Montes’s, and Mrs. Jiang’s, respectively). Please bring a pencil, eraser, and a charged iPad. Remember that if you cannot make it to your scheduled tryout date due to other commitments, please email Mr. Chen at chen_aletheia@cusdk8.org. We look forward to seeing you at the tryouts! Please note: For those who make the team, practices were previously announced to have been held on Wednesdays, but they will be held on Friday afternoons instead. Apologies for the confusion.
Attention Lawson LIghtning! Spirit Week is coming! Next week, September 16th -19th the Leadership class will be hosting this year’s first Spirit Week. Every day at lunch there will be something fun to participate in, as well as Spirit Days to help our Lawson Spirit. Homeroom classes will earn points for having the most participation in these fun days.
Monday, the spirit day is Malibu Monday. Come to school in your beach/ Hawaiian gear (please make sure they are dress code appropriate). Come to the quad at lunch on Monday for the Cup Maze Noontime. Candy prizes will be given.
Tuesday, the spirit day is Anything but a Backpack. Bring your school supplies in any sort of creative container that is NOT a backpack! Come to the quad at lunch on Tuesday for Music in the Quad.
Wednesday is Wacky Wednesday. Come to school with crazy mismatched or inside out clothes, crazy hair, and mismatched socks. Come to the Quad at lunch Wednesday for Flip Tac Toe! Come try your hand at quick cup flipping and tic tac toe. Candy prizes will be given!
Thursday is Anything but School Shoes. Wear some crazy creative footwear including slippers, kleenex boxes, or anything crazy!
Our Homeroom Competition will be held on the blacktop at lunch on Thursday. Two participants from each homeroom will try their luck at the water balloon toss. Let’s see which homeroom will toss their way to victory!
Get ready for a super fun spirited week!
Friday, September 13, 2024
Attention Lawson LIghtning! Spirit Week is coming! Next week, September 16th -19th the Leadership class will be hosting this year’s first Spirit Week. Every day at lunch there will be something fun to participate in, as well as Spirit Days to help our Lawson Spirit. Homeroom classes will earn points for having the most participation in these fun days.
Our first Spirit Day is Monday, Malibu Monday. Come to school in your beach/ Hawaiian gear (please make sure they are dress code appropriate). Come to the quad at lunch on Monday for the Cup Maze Noontime. Candy prizes will be given. Don’t forget to wear your spirited clothes and wear them all day on Monday!
Are you interested in math? Do you want to further develop and enhance your problem-solving skills? It’s time to sign up for the American Mathematics Competition. Lawson will host two tests, the AMC 10B test in November and AMC 8 in January, both after school on campus. Please read the AMC 8 and AMC 10B Student Information posted in your math class’s Google Classroom to learn how you can register for the exams through your CUSD email. The last day to sign up is September 23rd!
The Lawson Homework Club starts on Monday, September 16!
SEP 16 - 19
Monday, September 16, 2024
The Lawson Homework Club starts today after school in the library! (Show video - LINK)
Welcome to Lawson’s Spirit Week! Today during 2nd period, Homeroom teachers will be counting the total number of students wearing their “Malibu Monday” spirit wear. Any student wearing Hawaiin or Beach gear gets points for their class. Teachers, please fill out the spirit day form sent to you this morning and submit it by the end of 2nd period.
Tomorrow is “Anything but a Backpack” Day! Come to school carrying your supplies in a creative vessel. Be as creative as you can and create anything but a backpack. Show your school spirit!
Come to the quad at lunch for some fun music and even show your dancing skills! It is important that you get your lunch BEFORE coming out to the activity. Grab your lunch and head out to the quad.
The September Fantasy Book Library Contest has started. Read a Fantasy book, submit a review for a chance to win a poster from Ms. Fujiki’s collection. Contest ends on September 30.
SAVE the DATE: The Book Fair will start Sept 30- Oct 4 with a PTA Family Night on Oct 3. Buy a book for yourself or your teacher and it will help the Library buy books for the school.
Tuesday, September 17, 2024
Spirit Week Continues today! Teachers, please count up your students that have “Anything but a Backpack” and send it on the form sent to you this morning.
The count for the Malibu Monday Spirit day is in! First place for the day was Ms. Davis’ class, with 25 points. 2nd place has a three way tie with Ms. Bernat’s class, Ms. Orlando’s class and Mrs. Stibbard’s class earning 22 points. And two classes tied for 3rd place: Mr. Jensen and Mrs, Jackson who earned 20 points for the day! Keep up the great spirit!
Tomorrow is Wacky Wednesday. Come to school with crazy mismatched or inside out clothes, crazy hair, and mismatched socks. Come to the Quad at lunch Wednesday for Flip Tac Toe! Come try your hand at quick cup flipping and tic tac toe. Candy prizes will be given! It is important that you get your lunch BEFORE coming out to the activity. Grab your lunch and head out to the quad.
Homeroom teachers! Don’t forget to select two students for Friday’s water Balloon Toss Homeroom competition.
Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Spirit Week Continues! Welcome to Wacky Wednesday! Teachers please count your number of Wacky dressed students and send in the form sent to you this morning. The classes that earned the most points for the Anything But a Backpack Day are as follows: 1st place goes to Ms. Orlando and Mrs. Jackson’s class with 25 points, 2nd place goes to Mrs. Cipriano, and Mr. Jensen’s class with 23 points, and the 3rd place points go to Ms. Davis, Mr. Hoffman, Mrs. Jensen’s and Ms. Yazdi’s class with 20 points. So many other classes are earning high points so keep up the great spirit!
Tomorrow’s spirit day is Anything but School Shoes! Come to school wearing any creative footwear like shoe boxes, or paper plates, crazy slippers or aluminum foil. Get creative! Please remember that you must bring your PE shoes with you to school so that you can participate in PE. Come to the quad today at lunch for Flip Tac Toe! Come try your hand at quick cup flipping and tic tac toe. Candy prizes will be given! It is important that you get your lunch BEFORE coming out to the activity. Grab your lunch and head out to the quad.Tomorrow is the water balloon homeroom competition. Homeroom teachers, make sure you have two students willing to participate. Come to the blacktop at the beginning of lunch.
The Lawson Homework Club has started! Please watch this video for information on how to attend. If you have any questions, feel free to stop by the library after school and talk to Ms. Younker.
Please Do Not touch the nets on the blacktop! They are currently used for a Pickleball unit in PE and need to stay down. Thanks - The PE Team
Attention Sixth Graders! Please check your school email. You should have received an email from your WEB leaders about the Webbie Google Classroom. Please join the Google Classroom using the code sent by your WEB Leaders!
Thursday, September 19, 2024
Attention all students who get a hot lunch: Now that student IDs have been distributed, you MUST have your student ID in hand, ready to swipe, every day at brunch and lunch. Swiping your ID makes the line go much faster, which means everyone has more time to eat and take a break. Starting Monday, September 23rd, you will be sent to the end of the line if you do not have your ID in hand. We will serve all students who have their IDs first. Students who have to type in their numbers will get their brunch and lunch after all ID swipers are served!
Today is the last day of Spirit Week! Homeroom Teachers please count up your “Anything but School Shoes” participants and fill in the form sent out this morning. Yesterday’s Wacky Wednesday was so Wacky! There were many classes with over 95% of the students wearing their wacky clothes, AND the teacher participated as well. Today at lunch the water balloon homeroom competition is happening on the blacktop.. Homeroom teachers, make sure you have two students willing to participate. Come to the blacktop at the beginning of lunch.
The Lawson Homework Club has started! Please watch this video for information on how to attend. If you have any questions, feel free to stop by the library after school and talk to Ms. Younker.
Are you interested in math? Do you want to further develop and enhance your problem-solving skills? It’s time to sign up for the American Mathematics Competition. Lawson will host two tests, the AMC 10B test in November and AMC 8 in January, both after school on campus. Please read the AMC 8 and AMC 10B Student Information posted in your math class’s Google Classroom to learn how you can register for the exams through your CUSD email. The last day to sign up is next Monday, September 23rd!
Attention 8th graders - First Yosemite student meeting will take place Monday September 23rd at lunch in the gym. You will learn about the trip and see the great places that you will be in Yosemite. Get your lunch quickly and come to the gym.
Attention Sixth Graders! Please check your school email. You should have received an email from your WEB leaders about the Webbie Google Classroom. Please join the Google Classroom using the code sent by your WEB Leaders!
SEP 23 - 27
Monday, September 23, 2024
Lawson Lightning! Thanks for a great spirit week! The winning class for Anything but School Shoes was Mrs. Nagarajan with 30 points! Mr. Tsai’s class came in second with 25 points and Ms. Orlando took third with 22 points. Great job participating! The total spirit points for the homeroom competition and the grand total for the year so far will be shared tomorrow!
Attention all students who get a hot lunch: Now that student IDs have been distributed, you MUST have your student ID in hand, ready to swipe, every day at brunch and lunch. Swiping your ID makes the line go much faster, which means everyone has more time to eat and take a break. Starting TODAY, you will be sent to the end of the line if you do not have your ID in hand. We will serve all students who have their IDs first. Students who have to type in their numbers will get their brunch and lunch after all ID swipers are served!
Attention 8th graders - First Yosemite student meeting will take place Today at lunch in the gym. You will learn about the trip and see the great places that you will be in Yosemite. Get your lunch quickly and come to the gym.
Attention Sixth Graders! This message for those who have not joined your WEBBIE Google Classroom.Please check your school email. You should have received an email from your WEB leaders about the Webbie Google Classroom. Please join the Google Classroom using the code sent by your WEB Leaders!
Attention Students: ONLY 138 students have donated to the PTA Sweet Rewards Fund Raiser. This is $30K in total, which is still far from our goal of $75K with a little more than a week left!
The following homerooms have placed as the highest donors:
Jiang - leading (1st place), Mr. Jensen - very close (2nd place), Sparacino / Sanford: tied for 3rd place
Remember, you can donate by using the envelope that was given to each student or using the various ways that are outlined on the webpage: https://www.samlawsonpta.org/support-us/donate
The Book Fair is one week away! Language Arts classes will get to browse and buy books during their classes on either Monday or Tuesday. All students can browse and buy books at Brunch and Lunch Monday - Friday as well as bring your families on the PTA Thursday Family Night! Buy books to support your teachers, your library and get a few for your own enjoyment.
Get Ready for Color Clash/WEB Connection this Coming Thursday! Please come, participate and earn points for your color!
Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Congratulations to Mrs. Sparacino’s class for winning first place in the water balloon toss. Ms. Orlando’s class took second. Third place was tied by many. Everyone that came out to participate earned points for their class.
Here are the top 3 spirit point totals so far: Ms. Orlando with 144 points, Ms. Davis with 125 points, and Mr. Jensen with 120 points. The semester has just started, so anyone can come in first by the end. Keep up the good work!
Students, remind your parents about the PTA donations. We are hoping to meet our goal of $75,000 by the end of this week. Go to the Lawson Website for more information,
Spirit week color clash color points have been calculated. Purple is in first place with 753 points followed by blue with 597. Red is in third place with 555 points with Green following with 512 points.
Come out on Thursday for the Color Clash/WEB Connection and participate in the free throw challenge to earn more points for your color. Who knows which color will be on top going into October.
Only 4 more days till the Book Fair is here Ask your parents to help by signing up at Signup.com
Wednesday, September 25,2024
Spirit week color clash color points have been calculated. Purple is in first place with 753 points followed by blue with 597. Red is in third place with 555 points with Green following with 512 points.
Tomorrow is Makeup Picture day for students that missed pictures for their Student IDs.
The Lawson yearbook team is excited to announce the Lawson Magazine Maroon Monthly! If you want to showcase your artwork and skills, we are looking for comic submissions that are 4-6 panels (about a page) long. Traditional, digital, and painted art is allowed! Winners will be handpicked and included into the magazine for the month. Please check your emails for more details. We look forward to seeing your art skills Lawson!
Come out on Thursday for the Color Clash/WEB Connection and participate in the free throw challenge to earn more points for your color. Who knows which color will be on top going into October.
3 more days till the Book Fair. Remember to send in your review of a fantasy book you read this month to Ms. Fujiki for a chance to be one of 25 winners to get a poster from Ms. Fujiki’s collection. All reviews must be turned in either by email or in person by Monday Sept 30. Forms can be found on your Language Arts google classroom, Library google classroom or in the library.
Thursday, Sep 26, 2024
The Lawson yearbook team is excited to announce the Lawson Magazine Maroon Monthly! If you want to showcase your artwork and skills, we are looking for comic submissions that are 4-6 panels (about a page) long. Traditional, digital, and painted art is allowed! Winners will be handpicked and included into the magazine for the month. Please check your emails for more details and send submissions to Lyla Lin by Friday, September 27th at midnight. We look forward to seeing your art skills Lawson!
The Color Clash WEB Connection is today!! Come to the blacktop, participate and earn points for your color! Everyone is welcome!
2 more days till the Book Fair! The library will be closed all day tomorrow to prepare for the Book Fair.
Friday, Sep 27, 2024
The Lawson yearbook team is excited to announce the Lawson Magazine! If you want to showcase your artwork and skills, we are looking for comic submissions that are 4-6 panels (about a page) long. Traditional, digital, and painted art is allowed! Winners will be handpicked and included into the magazine for the month. Please check your emails for more details and send submissions to Lyla L by midnight TONIGHT. We look forward to seeing your art skills Lawson!
Only 1 More Day till the Scholastic Book Fair at Lawson. The Library is closed today at brunch and lunch to prepare for the Scholastic Book Fair starting on Monday! All library volunteers, if you usually work at brunch, please come today at brunch to help set up. If you usually work at lunch, come at lunch to continue helping set up.
When the Fair opens, be sure to order the latest Wimpy Kid book! You will get your copy when it is released in October! Take this weekend to submit your Fantasy Book review to be entered into Ms. Fujiki’s September Fantasy contest. All entries due this coming Monday Sept 30.
Aug 19 - 23
Monday, August 19, 2024
Congratulations to the following 6th grade classes for placing in the Scavenger hunt: 1st: Ms. Wynnell, 2nd: Ms. Jiang, and 3rd: Mrs. Jackson. The following 7th grade classes were placed… 1st: Ms. Orlando, 2nd: Mrs. Jensen, and 3rd: Ms. Younker. The following 8th grade classes were placed… 1st: Mr. Butler, 2nd: Ms. Davis, and 3rd: Mrs. Stibbard. Thanks to everyone for your participation!
The Hungry Hippo Homeroom activity was a great success! The first place winner was Mr. Jensen’s homeroom, and the second place was Mr. Boardman’s class. Thanks for playing!
Tuesday, August 20, 2024
Season #1 After school sports will start next Monday. Season #1 will be Boys Basketball and co-ed Cross Country. If you are interested in trying out for boys’ basketball there will be an informational meeting on Wednesday August 21st at brunch in the Fitness Room. Please come to the Fitness Room to learn more about the tryout process.
Picture day is this Friday, 23rd August during your PE period.
Please walk around all planters, especially the rose planter near the elective wing. Be nice to our plant friends. Also let’s be better at leaving no trace and pick up all stuff at brunch and lunch
Attention Students! Please follow these directions if you would like to request a change in elective:
1. Pick up the "Elective Change Request Form" from the office either today (Wednesday, August 21st ) or tomorrow (Thursday, August 22nd).
2. Follow all directions on the form, fill it out completely, and have it signed by a parent or legal guardian.
3. Turn it into the office by the end of Brunch, Friday, August 23rd.
We cannot promise that your elective request will be honored. Forms that are not filled out completely and signed by parents/legal guardians will not be considered. Thanks!
If you are interested in trying out for the Boys Basketball team, please come to the Fitness Room today at brunch. You will learn about the tryout process and be able to ask questions.
Do you like to run competitively or for joy? Cross Country Season is here, and Lawson needs you!! Do you think you are an athlete, but not a runner? Cross Country will help build your stamina so that you are prepared for future seasons like Volleyball and Soccer. Start now by joining the team and you will go into future tryouts with a fitness advantage. If you are interested, please come to the Fitness Room at brunch tomorrow. Come meet your great coaches, Mr. Jensen and Mr. Sanford. Fast, Fun, Family, Fortitude, Fury, Go Lightning!!
Thursday, August 22, 2024
Do you like to run competitively or for joy? Cross Country Season is here, and Lawson needs you!! Do you think you are an athlete, but not a runner? Cross Country will help build your stamina so that you are prepared for future seasons like Volleyball and Soccer. Start now by joining the team and you will go into future tryouts with a fitness advantage.
If you are interested, please come to the Fitness Room at brunch today. Come meet your great coaches, Mr. Jensen and Mr. Sanford. Fast, Fun, Family, Fortitude, Fury, Go Lightning!!
Dear Music Students, this is a quick reminder of our instrument drop off and pick up policy:
Instrument Drop Offs:
Students are allowed to drop off instruments before school in the music building's instrument locker room.
Students who have band or orchestra for their first class of the day are allowed to stay in class to practice after drop off, otherwise they will have to exit the gate and re-enter when the warning bell rings.
Instrument Pick Up: Please pick up your instrument at the end of each day by 3:15PM to practice.
If you forget to bring your instrument, your parents/guardians are not allowed to drop it off at the front office. Please be responsible.
Don’t forget about the sweet rewards competition to raise money for our PTA. There are prizes for students that raise a lot of money. Check out this flyer for more information.
Friday, August 23, 2024
Picture day is today! Get your picture taken during your PE period. Teachers, please get your picture taken during your prep period some time today!
6th graders: Please remember to walk when you are on campus. This includes when you are walking from one class to the next, and on your way to brunch and lunch. Many students are running and it is not safe.
Dear Music Students, this is a quick reminder of our instrument drop off and pick up policy:
Instrument Drop Offs:
Students are allowed to drop off instruments before school in the music building's instrument locker room.
Students who have band or orchestra for their first class of the day are allowed to stay in class to practice after drop off, otherwise they will have to exit the gate and re-enter when the warning bell rings.
Instrument Pick Up: Please pick up your instrument at the end of each day by 3:15PM to practice.
If you forget to bring your instrument, your parents/guardians are not allowed to drop it off at the front office. Please be responsible.
Hello Lawson Students! Starting next week, the counselors will fully open the Zen-Den for students during lunch!
Aug 26 - 30
Monday, August 26,2024
Hello Lawson Students! Zen-Den is open this week for students during lunch! Come check it out!
Important iPad usage: Students please write down your iPad passcode if you have one set and your Google account password. Keep it somewhere safe in case you forget. Note: Before you can set up Touch ID, you need to create a passcode for your device. For easy identification of your iPad, the wallpaper or background will be changed tonight to display your name and iPad tag number. Lastly, only install the apps you need for your classes.
Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Hello Lawson! Just a reminder to walk on campus and pick up your trash! Let’s keep Lawson safe and beautiful!
We also have wonderful news to share with you. Last week our own Vihaan S, a 7th grade student at Lawson, was invited to speak at the CUSD Engie Solar Project GroundBreaking Ceremony. Please congratulate him!
Wednesday, August 28, 2024
Are you interested in math? Do you want to further develop and enhance your problem-solving skills? It’s time to register for the American Mathematics Competition. Lawson will host two tests on campus, the AMC 10B test in November and AMC 8 in January, both after school on campus. Please read the AMC 8 and AMC 10B Student Information posted in your math class’s Google Classroom to learn how you can register for the exams through your CUSD email. The last day to register is September 23rd!
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Hello Lawson! Please remember that PTA needs your donations in order to help fund all of the many amazing activities that this year entails. The Sweet Rewards Competition is in effect! If we raise $75,000 by September 30th, the class and individuals that donate the most can win some great prizes. Ideally each student would donate about $250.00, but any donation is good. Check out the prizes here!
Friday, August 30, 2024
Students! Remind your parents about the PTA Sweet Rewards Competition and get those donations in as soon as possible.
A few reminders: Students who have a first period, must wait outside the gates until 7:50 am unless you are dropping off your music instrument. Once you do that, you must exit the campus and wait until 7:50. For students who start their day in the second period, you must wait outside the gates until the warning bell rings at 8:50 am.
Also, there is no eating on the blacktop, field, or tennis courts. This is true for the bleachers located in those areas.