- Student Account Login / Contact Information
- The Successful Learner
- Expectations and Discipline
- Academic Integrity
- Safety & Welfare
- Technology Tips
- Attendance
- Grading
- Academics and Student Activities
- School Environment
Student Account Login / Contact Information
Student Account Login
Each student in CUSD has a Gmail account associated with their Student ID, which is also used as their login to various applications/websites.
Student Gmail: [studentIDnumber]@cusdk8.org
Example: 123456@cusdk8.org
You can access the websites below using your CUSD account. Be sure to check with your teacher about other websites that they might utilize for class.
Email: www.gmail.com
Google Classroom: classroom.google.com
StudentVUE: parentvue.cusdk8.org
Where To Get Help
How To Get Your Questions Answered |
My Question is About: |
Contact: |
Attendance Questions |
Isabel Parra, Attendance Secretary parra_isabel@cusdk8.org |
Technology |
Ms. Loann Hoang, School Site Tech Specialist hoang_loann@cusdk8.org For help please visit: CUSD Technical Help |
Learning Expectations, Assignments, Classes |
LMS Teachers (lastname_firstname@cusdk8.org) |
Student Wellness and Mental Health
Student Class Schedule |
School Counselors Maria Espinoza (espinoza_maria@cusdk8.org) Last Names A-L Denise Hall (hall_denise@cusdk8.org) Last names M-Z |
Administration |
Erin Leary, Principal |
Administration |
Nina Charleston, Assistant Principal |
The Successful Learner
Lawson Middle School Core Values:
What is PBIS?
Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS) is an approach to supporting student success in school. PBIS is based on principles of applied behavior analysis as well as the prevention approach and values of positive behavior support. This program of supports focuses on the development and implementation of proactive procedures to teach appropriate behavior and practices to prevent problem behavior for all students and improve school climate.
Types of Positive Recognition
To let you know you are being awesome, teachers or staff members may recognize you in the following ways
Head of the line pass
Bolt Bucks!
Time Management & Setting Priorities
Figure out where all your time is spent. It may seem like there is never enough time but if you take a closer look, you may find more ways to create time in your schedule. Spending 30 minutes everyday on social media? You could try allocating a certain amount of time everyday for non school related activities.
Keep a list of everything you need to get done. It is easy to forget things if you haven’t written them down. Keep this list close to you so you can add/cross things off.
After creating your list of “to dos”, you will want to prioritize the things on your list. Prioritizing means deciding which items on the list are most important for you to do. These are usually the things that should get done first.
Use a planner/schedule (tip: use your CUSD account’s Google Calendar). A schedule helps you keep track of your responsibilities throughout the day, week, and month. Take the items from your list in Step 2 and put them into your planner/google calendar/schedule. Make sure you are doing the most important ones first (usually the assignments that are due soon). Also remember to schedule breaks for yourself. If you allow yourself scheduled breaks, you are more likely to complete the tasks you need to.
Stay on task: Whenever you are doing anything, make sure that you are trying your best to stay on task. The more focused you are, the more likely you are to complete it in a timely manner. Put away anything that might distract you from accomplishing your work.
Expectations and Discipline
Levels of Behavior and Response to Behavior
Level 1 Incidental Violations (Non-referred/Non-recorded) |
Level 2 Minor Violations (non-referred/Recorded) |
Level 3 Major Violations (referred Recorded) |
Level 4 Illegal Violations (referred/Recorded) |
Staff-managed Interventions:
Staff-managed intervention:
Admin-managed intervention:
Admin-managed intervention:
Progressive Discipline
When students need additional support to change behavior, a progressive discipline approach is put in place. The progressive discipline model advises that to be effective, discipline needs to be progressive, or delivered in respectful, consistent increments to encourage changed behavior.
The progressive discipline model begins with conversations between the student and the teacher, with or without minor classroom consequences. As necessary, these practices progress to conversations between the student, the parent and the teacher to set goals and appropriate consequences. When necessary, conversations and consequences progress to the level that involves administration and administrative consequences.
Online Behavior Expectations
Keep your password to yourself, sharing your password can be unsafe to you.
Report technology misuse
Be sure to use appropriate language and kind words when collaborating with peers.
When working in a group, make suggestions and/or ask permission before changing or deleting the work of
another student.
Respect the privacy of other students. Do not republish other student’s ideas or post pictures of other students without their approval.
Do not use any unkind, disrespectful and any other comments that may make a student feel unsafe.
Reporting Issues
Any student experiencing discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying, and/or theft or witnessing another student experiencing as such is encouraged to notify an adult immediately. Students may file an Incident Report at any time. A confidential Incident Report form can be found on the school website under “For Students” and can be used to report any difficult situations directly to school administration. Students are encouraged to fill out Incident Reports to help resolve the issue quickly and confidentially.
Behavior Intervention may include the following:
Conference with student
Confiscation of item
Lunch time / After school detention
School Service
Suspension from 1 to 5 days
Recommendation for expulsion
Law Enforcement contacted
Removal from extracurricular activities (assemblies, field trips, end of year activities, graduation)
Student Behavior Report
Parent Contact/Conference
Suspension from class
Offenses which may warrant suspension or expulsion include:
Stealing or attempting to steal school property or private property
Possessing or using tobacco or any product containing tobacco
Committing an obscene act or engaging in habitual profanity or vulgarity
Possessing, offering, arranging or negotiating the sale of any drug paraphernalia
Disrupting school activities or otherwise willfully defying the valid authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators or other school officials
Knowingly receiving stolen school property or private property
Committing sexual harassment
Possessing an imitation firearm
Causing, attempting to cause, threatening to cause or participating in an act of hate violence
Harassing, bullying, threatening or extorting of peers
Possession of matches, lighters or other paraphernalia
Fighting, on the way to and from school, or on school ground
Harassment Policy
Harassment (verbal, visual, physical, sexual, cyber-type** via text message, email, google chat, etc.) is any act that is severe enough to create an intimidating educational environment or negatively affect a student's school adjustment. Such behavior includes offensive posters, cards, cartoons, graffiti, drawing, objects, gestures, profanity, foul language, religious, racial, ethnic, sexual slurs or innuendoes, unwelcome or offensive touching or impeding or blocking movement. Harassment may result in suspension. A student who feels he or she is being harassed should:
1. Clearly tell the harasser to stop.
2. Contact any staff member immediately.
Lawson Middle School supports a bully-free learning environment. Bullying occurs when a student, or group of students, attempts to take power over another student. The main ways in which bullying may happen are:
Physical: Includes hitting, kicking, tripping, pinching and pushing or damaging property.
Verbal: Includes name calling, insults, teasing, intimidation, homophobic or racist remarks, or verbal abuse. While verbal bullying can start off harmless, it can escalate to levels which start affecting the individual target.
Social: Social bullying can be carried out behind the bullied person's back. It is designed to harm someone's social reputation and/or cause humiliation. Social bullying includes: influencing another student’s friendships and relationships through deliberately leaving them out, spreading gossip and rumors about them, whispering, giving them the silent treatment, ostracizing or scapegoating, or writing words or creating cartoons, posters or drawings about another student designed to hurt or humiliate that student.
Cyber: Cyber bullying can be overt or covert bullying behaviors using digital technologies, including hardware such as computers and smartphones, and software such as social media, instant messaging, texts, emails, websites and other online platforms. It can be in public or in private and sometimes only known to the target and the person bullying. Examples of cyberbullying include: abusive or hurtful texts, emails, or posts, images, or videos, deliberately excluding others online, inappropriate gossip or rumors, and/or imitating others online or using their log-in.
Bullying in any form is not allowed and will not be tolerated at Lawson Middle School. Students can report any incidents to a staff member. Parents are encouraged to contact any school personnel to report concerns about bullying or student conflicts including the school principal, assistant principal, teachers, and/or counselor.
Academic Integrity
Cheating Is:
Obtaining information or material for the purpose of claiming credit or grades dishonestly, such as:
Obtaining oral or written answers from other students unless permitted by the teacher
Filling in answers when the teacher is going over the answers with the class - unless the teacher has asked that it be done
Obtaining test questions or answers from students who have already taken the test
Copying homework or receiving answers over the telephone
Copying or handing in someone else’s work as one’s own (plagiarism)
Claiming credit for work not actually done or marking incorrect answers as correct
Giving information or material for the purpose of helping another student claim credit or claim grades dishonestly, such as:
Allowing someone to look at one’s answers during a test or giving the answers in any other way
Filling in answers on a classmate’s paper while you are correcting it
Giving test questions or answers to students who haven't yet had the test
Allowing a student to copy one’s homework or giving answers over the telephone or online
Helping another student claim credit for class work that he or she has not read or done
If you are in doubt about any of the above, check with your teacher!
Safety & Welfare
These wheeled items may be ridden to school as transportation. Bike riders should enter campus and immediately proceed to the bike cage to lock their bikes. Use of wheeled items on campus will result in their confiscation and possible loss of school privileges, both of which will be determined by school administration. The first offense will result in confiscation of the item for a day. A second offense will result in a confiscation of the item for three days as well as a parent meeting.
Bike Cage/Scooter/Skateboard Lockers
The bike cage is provided for the convenience of the students. The school shall not be responsible for loss or damage to bikes, whether locked or not. The bike cage is unlocked during regular school hours.
Damage to Property
A minor offense is one that can be rectified by the student.
A major offense is one that forces the school district to hire an outside vendor or to place a work order to remedy the damages. For major offenses, parents will be notified immediately, the offender will be responsible for reimbursement for damages, and suspension will take place. Damaging personal or school property may result in suspension.
Public Displays of Affection
Students are asked to conduct themselves in a proper manner at all times on campus and during all school-related activities and events. Kissing, hugging, holding hands and other displays of affection are not acceptable on campus.
Unauthorized Sales
Students may not sell candy or any other merchandise/services on campus without first receiving authorization from the school administration.
Technology Tips
CUSD Technology Policy: CUSD Technology Policy (in opening day packet)
Technical Support: CUSD Technical Help
Using a CUSD iPad: Technical Support:
Please use responsibility when using technology and your iPad. Please make sure you signed the Use of Technology Agreement for this coming year. If you follow these rules, you will have a better experience and smoother iPad to work with.
Always backup your iPad data to your Google Drive.
Keep deleting your unwanted pictures and movies from your photos and iMovie.
You need to have at least 8GB of space available on your iPad at all times.
If you set up a passcode for your iPad, remember to write it down and update your note as needed.
If you forgot your passcode to your iPad: do not enter the wrong password more than two times and do not restart your iPad otherwise your iPad will be disabled. Please email Mrs. Hoang right away and she will unlock it for you. If your iPad becomes disabled then it needs to be wiped to enable it. Mrs. Hoang’s email address is hoang_loann@cusdk8.org
Please DO NOT place any sticker on the iPad case or draw on it.
Please DO NOT take the iPad out of its case.
If your iPad is not charging, email Mrs. Hoang.
If you forgot your GOOGLE password, email Mrs. Hoang and she will help you reset it.
Starting a CUSD iPad:
When you turn on your iPad, you will see the “Hello” window. Follow the screen and choose “English”-> “United State”->On the next window, Click on “SetUp Manually” ->”Choose your Wifi” then click “Next”->When the “Remote Management” appear, Click on “Next”-> follow the screen and accept all the prompts-> Apps will start loading on your iPad.
Go to “Settings”-> “General”->”About” and Change the name of your iPad to your full name e.g. “ Steven Brown iPad”.
Locate “Manager App” - it might take a few minutes to show up on your screen. Accept ALL the prompts. You have the option not to accept, “Enabling your Location”, though. When all the apps appear, you may click and install ONLY the apps that your teacher requests. You do not want to waste your iPad free space for the apps that you do not need.
Using Google Classroom:
First Day of School
Students are expected to be in attendance on the first day of school. If a student is absent on the first day of school, the parent/guardian must contact the school as soon as possible to report the reason for the absence. Extended family vacation/travel is considered an unexcused absence. Students who have an unexcused absence on the first day of school will need to re-enroll and the District can not guarantee placement at the current school site.
Excused Absences
A student shall be excused from school for justifiable personal reasons, including, but not limited to, an appearance in court, attendance at a funeral service of an immediate family member, observance of a holiday or ceremony of his or her religion, attendance at religious retreats, or attendance at an employment conference, when the pupil’s absence has been requested in writing by the parent or guardian and approved by the principal or a designated representative pursuant to uniform standards established by the governing board.
A student with an excused absence from school shall be allowed to complete all assignments and tests missed during the absence that can be reasonably provided and, upon satisfactory completion, shall be given full credit. The teacher of any class from which a pupil is absent shall determine, pursuant to the regulations of the governing board of the school district, what assignments the pupil shall make up and in what period of time the pupil shall complete those assignments. The tests and assignments shall be reasonably equivalent to, but not necessarily identical to, the tests and assignments that the pupil missed during the absence.
Attendance at religious retreats shall not exceed four hours per semester. See “Absences for Religious Exercises or Holidays” below.
Absences Due to Student Illness
Absences due to illness, including a doctor's appointment during the school day, may be considered verified in the following ways:
Physician's verification via note, email, or fax
School Nurse/Principal's exchange with parent/guardian via a phone conversation, on site visit, email or written note
Visit to the student's home by the Principal/School Nurse or any other investigative method which establishes the fact that the student was absent for the reasons stated
Students are encouraged to always bring a physician's note when possible if an appointment interferes with any part of a school day.
When a student has had seven absences or tardies (late arrival of 30 minutes or more) for illness, which were not verified in the ways listed above, further absences or tardies for illness may require verification by a physician or qualified medical personnel (see number 1). Failure to provide verification may result in unexcused subsequent absences.
Absences for Religious Exercises or Holidays
Student absence for religious instruction or participation in religious exercises may be considered excused. In order to receive an excused absence for participation in a religious exercise or holiday, an advance written request by the parent/guardian must be submitted to the school site. Failure to provide the advance written request will result in your child receiving an unexcused absence.
Absences Due to Family Travel and Vacations
The District does not support the practice of taking trips/vacations on school days. Absences due to family trips are unexcused.
Unexcused Absences/Truancy
Any pupil subject to compulsory full-time education who is absent from school without valid excuse three full school days in one year or tardy or absent for more than a 30-minute period during the school day without a valid excuse on three occasions in one school year, or any combination thereof, is a truant and shall be reported to the attendance supervisor or to the superintendent of the school district. (Education Code 48260)
A student who is habitually truant, irregular in school attendance, or habitually insubordinate or disorderly during attendance at school may be referred to, and required to attend a school attendance review board (SARB) program, a truancy mediation program established by the district attorney or the probation officer, or a comparable program deemed acceptable by the district’s attendance supervisor. (Education Code 48263, 28364.5)
The potential effects of unexcused absences are:
Student report cards may be noted incomplete
Student grades may be affected
Students will not be allowed to “make-up” missed assignments
Truancy notification letters are sent to families as unexcused absences are accumulated
A truancy letter will be sent when your child accrues three (3) unexcused absences of 30 minutes or more in a school year:
A habitual truancy letter will be sent when your child accrues five (5) unexcused absences of 30 minutes or more in a school year
Required attendance at either a District’s Student Attendance Review Board (SARB) meeting or a mediation meeting with the Santa Clara County District Attorney and District staff once your child accrues ten (10) unexcused absences of 30 minutes or more in a school year.
Failure to comply with the law and education codes (EC 48205, 48260, 48262) may result in an infraction or misdemeanor.
Homework for Absentees
Students are expected to make up all work missed during their absence. Students absent for one or two days should check their teachers' Google Classrooms for assignments and/or see their teachers when they return to school.
Absence Reporting
Parents need to notify the school office every day that students are either out of school or are going to be late. Starting this school year, 2023-24 the district has adopted the ParentSquare notification/tracking system for attendance reporting. Parents report daily absences/tardies through the pinned form on the ParentSquare feed, called the Absence/Tardy Form. The form can be accessed via ParentSquare, the Lawson website and/or the CUSD website.
We encourage every parent to have a ParentSquare account. The phone-based app is highly recommended. We strongly urge parents to report the daily absence/delay for their student using the ParentSquare Absence/Tardy Form.
If your child is out for multiple days, please be sure to report his/her absence every day that the student is out.
For reporting absences for 3 or more days (travel, etc.), please fill the Permission Click Report of Absence. Here is the link:
To report an absence/delay you may leave a message on our absence line at: 408-255-7500 extension 6. Messages may be left 24 hours a day.
If your child will be absent or late to school you must report the absence or delay to the office, even if you have emailed your child's teacher.
Please report all absences or delays before 9:00 am on the day of the absence/delay.
If your child has a fever, diarrhea, or is vomiting, please keep your child at home, and report the absence!
Students returning to school should be symptom free for 24 hrs without medication.
All students arriving to school late must check in at the office. School starts promptly at 8:00 am for 1st period and 8:53 am for 2nd period. Wednesdays are late start days - 1st period starts at 9:32 am & 2nd period starts at 10:12 am . Your student is late if they are not in the classroom when school starts.
If your child has a doctor’s appointment during the school day, they ideally should not be missing school all day. They can be picked up from the school office ahead of their appointment and can be dropped back after the appointment. If you need to pick up your child early, come to the office first to check them out. The office staff will call the classroom to have your student meet you in the office. Please allow 5-10 minutes for your student to arrive in the office. Please submit either the doctor’s note/ note from the doctor’s office or even an email with the appointment details - verifying the appointment/absence within 5 days of the absence.
CUSD Attendance Policies and Guidelines are available on the District website HERE.
ParentVue Grade
Student academic progress should be monitored by parents throughout the school year via their ParentVue account at: https://parentvue.cusdk8.org. One of the most important ways you can support your student academically is to monitor ParentVue on a regular basis. ParentVue allows you to view your student's grades and attendance in a real-time atmosphere.
Progress Reports
Progress Reports are mailed home at the midpoint of each semester for all students maintaining a C- or less average in any one class. See the monthly newsletter or Lawson website for specific dates.
Report Cards
The report card is the one reporting device that is used regularly for all students. Its major purpose is to inform the student and parents of the student’s progress in school. The letter system of grading is used in relation to achievement in the various subject areas. An A indicates excellent achievement, B above average, C average, D below average, and an F indicates unsatisfactory achievement. Standards-based assessment scores (1=Beginning Standard, 2=Approaching Standard, 3=Meeting Standard, and 4=Exceeding Standard) are included as sub-categories for each subject matter grade. Additionally, O=Outstanding, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement, and U=Unsatisfactory grades are used to indicate citizenship, which includes work habits, courtesy, and respect. A temporary grade of Incomplete is issued whenever a student needs time to make up work following an extended absence near the end of a quarter. A permanent grade is issued 10 days after report cards are distributed.
Report cards are issued each semester. Parents will be able to access their student’s report card in ParentVue.
Academics and Student Activities
Athletic Eligibility
Lawson offers a wide variety of boys’ and girls’ after school sports teams for students in all grades.
Clubs are created based on students' interest. The teachers at Lawson sponsor many after school and lunchtime clubs. Students are encouraged to participate. Students may propose a club during a set period of time after Labor Day. Clubs will begin at the end of September.
Student Body Cards
All students are members of the Lawson Student Body Association. Student Body Cards will be distributed as they take their pictures. The card serves as identification and is required for school activities, library, computer check-out and Physical Fitness. Students are required to carry their student body cards when they are on campus.
Lawson has an active Student Cabinet organization that supports community service. The Student Cabinet meets regularly under the direction of faculty advisors.
Students are encouraged to take part in student government and leadership activities. Not only can it be fun to be involved, but it is also a valuable learning experience for our future leaders.
School Environment
Dress and Personal AppearanceStudents are to attend school or school functions dressed in a manner that is respectful and appropriate. The staff and administration reserve the right to determine whether clothing is appropriate for the school setting. If students are dressed inappropriately, they will be referred to the administration office and asked to change into their PE uniform. More than one offense may result in disciplinary action. Shoes are required at all times. Clothing must be at a sufficient length to conceal undergarments and areas they are intended to cover when standing, sitting, squatting, or bending at the waist. Shirts must cover undergarments, including bra straps. Clothing must cover midriffs. Pants must be worn so they fully cover buttocks and undergarments. Clothing and personal items such as backpacks may not contain any written or pictorial representation deemed offensive, derogatory or otherwise inappropriate. CUSD School Board Policy 5132: The Governing Board believes that appropriate dress and grooming contribute to a productive learning environment. The Board expects students to give proper attention to personal cleanliness and to wear clothes that are suitable for the school activities in which they participate. Students' clothing must not present a health or safety hazard or a distraction which would interfere with the educational process. (cf. 4119.22/4219.22/ç - Dress and Grooming) (cf. 5145.2 - Freedom of Speech/Expression) CUSD Administrative Regulation 5231: In cooperation with teachers, students and parents/guardians, the principal or designee shall establish school rules governing student dress and grooming which are consistent with law, Governing Board policy and administrative regulations. These school dress codes shall be regularly reviewed. (cf. 0420 - School Plans/Site Councils) Each school shall allow students to wear sun-protective clothing, including but not limited to hats, for outdoor use during the school day. (Education Code 35183.5) In addition, the following guidelines shall apply to all regular school activities: 1. Shoes must be worn at all times. 2. Clothing, jewelry and personal items (backpacks, fanny packs, gym bags, water bottles etc.) shall be free of writing, pictures or any other insignia which are crude, vulgar, profane or sexually suggestive, which bear drug, alcohol or tobacco company advertising, promotions and likenesses, or which advocate racial, ethnic or religious prejudice. 3. Clothes shall be sufficient to conceal undergarments at all times. See-through or fish-net fabrics, halter tops, off-the-shoulder or low-cut tops, bare midriffs and skirts or shorts shorter than mid-thigh are prohibited. Protecting Your ValuablesStudents should never leave their backpack unattended, as this may result in lost or stolen items. Important items should be in our P.F. locker during P.F. class. Students should not bring large amounts of money to school. Only items needed for school should be brought on campus. Book bags/backpacks and school textbooks placed in them are the student's responsibility. Students who lose school textbooks or library books must pay the replacement cost of the lost materials. Cellular Phones and Any ElectronicsStudents may possess cellular phones, tape recorders, iPODs, CD players or other electronics under specific conditions, and are solely responsible for the safe-keeping of these items. Students are not permitted to use any type of electronic signal devices during class time, passing periods, or breaks without the permission of the school administration/teacher. Students who act in violation of this policy shall be subject to the school consequences as follows: Initial Violation: The device will be confiscated and brought to the school administration. Second Violation: The device will be confiscated and brought to the school administration. Parent/Guardian will be contacted. Third Violation: The device will be confiscated and brought to the school administration. Parent/Guardian will need to pick up the device from the front office. DeliveriesTo help students develop their personal responsibility and avoid interruption of classroom teaching, no deliveries of lunches, homework, projects, P. F. uniforms, etc. can be made. The office will accept lunches, but expect students to check for themselves and not rely on a call from the office. All forgotten homework, P.F. clothes, etc. will be placed in the teacher's boxes only. Classrooms will not be called. At the request of our music teachers, no instruments will be accepted in the front office. Students may bring their instrument into the band room prior to the start of school to avoid carrying a bulky item around during the day. Gum and Sunflower SeedsGum, candy, and sunflower seeds in the shells are not allowed on campus. Unless there is a special event in class, food and drink are not allowed in the classrooms. Some teachers may allow students to have water. After SchoolAll students are required to exit the campus by 3:15 p.m., unless they have official business (for example: Homework Club, club meetings or school athletics). AnnouncementsSchool wide announcements will be broadcasted over Lawson's closed circuit TV channel each morning at the beginning of second period and posted on our website (see URL below). It's the student's responsibility to note the daily announcements. Parents may read daily announcements on our website. Cafeteria ServicesThrough a grant, all students are afforded brunch and/or lunch free of charge. Closed CampusAll adult visitors to the campus are required to check in with the office to pick up a Visitor's Pass before visiting anyone on the campus. Parents who wish to meet with teachers are required to call for an appointment. Students from other schools are not allowed on campus during the day. Lawson Students are never allowed off campus during regular school hours. CounselorsStudents: If you have a concern or question for one of the counselors, stop by the office. If the counselor is unavailable, ask for a "Request To See the Counselor" form and you will be called as soon as possible. This form can also be found on the Lawson website and may be submitted confidentially on-line. Parents: If you have a concern or question for one of the counselors, please call the school or email the counselor directly. EmergenciesShould a major emergency occur during school hours, Lawson has a well-coordinated plan for assuring the safety of all students. School personnel and/or safety officers care for students until it is safe and/or possible to release them to their families. End of Year ActivitiesParticipation in end of year activities is considered a privilege for our students. It is the expectation of our staff that in the period leading up to the final week of school that all textbooks, library books, and PF locks be returned or if they are lost, payment made to replace these items. Additionally, all money due to the cafeteria should be paid. The administration reserves the right to withdraw permission to participate should student behavior not meet expectations. Enrollment Health CardsIt is critical to the welfare of students that each one has a registration card on file in the office. If there are changes during the year, please alert the office within ten (10) days of the change. These include change of address, telephone number(s), medical conditions, physician, employment, and/or emergency contact persons. Students can be released only to those authorized on the registration card. MedicationAny student requiring medication on campus, both prescription and over-the-counter, must have a Medication Authorization form on file in the office. The form must be signed by both the doctor and parents. You can pick up this form in the Lawson Office or download it from the Lawson website. Parent Teacher Association (PTA)The Lawson School PTA works closely with the school staff and student body. Many of the school's activities are possible only because of the assistance and support of the PTA. All Lawson parents are encouraged to attend and participate in the PTA meetings and activities. TextbooksThe school furnishes books to all students. Lost or damaged textbooks must be paid for and replaced immediately. Report cards and diplomas will be withheld until lost or damaged texts are paid for. TransferringStudents who are leaving Lawson Middle School to attend school in another district should notify the office no later than five days prior to the last day of attendance. On the final day of attendance, the student must report to the front office to pick up a Final check-out sheet that must be signed off by every teacher, as well as cafeteria and library staff. After having turned in all materials and books that have been issued, the student will be issued a transfer. School records are forwarded only at the request of the new school. TransportationTo ensure the safety of our students, when dropping off your student, form a single lane only and do not exceed 5 M.P.H. Please pull to the end of the parking lot to drop your child off. DO NOT BLOCK THE DRIVEWAY OR THE SIDEWALK. Please do not drop your child mid-block in the street - instead always require that your child use the crosswalks and follow the directions of the crossing guard. U-turns within 200 ft of another moving vehicle are illegal under California law. So making a U-turn in front of Lawson during drop-off and pick up times is not only unsafe, but illegal. Please give yourself a little extra time during drop-off and pick-up to allow for unexpected circumstances. The Cupertino Union School District does not offer home-to-school transportation for students enrolled in the regular middle school program. As alternative forms of transportation, we suggest that you consider: