Parents need to notify the school office every day that students are either out of school or are going to be late. Starting this school year, 2023-24 the district has adopted the Parentsquare notification/tracking system for attendance reporting. Parents report daily absences/tardies through the pinned form on the ParentSquare feed, called the Absence/Tardy Form. The form can be accessed via ParentSquare, the Lawson website and/or the CUSD website. Here is the link to the form:
We encourage every parent to have a ParentSquare account. The phone-based app is highly recommended. We strongly urge parents to report the daily absence/delay for their student using the Parent Square Absence/Tardy Form.
>If your child is out for multiple days, please be sure to report his/her absence every day that the student is out.
>For reporting absences for 3 or more days (travel, etc.), please fill the Permission Click Report of Absence form on the CUSD website. Here is the link:
If your child has a fever, diarrhea, or is vomiting, please keep your child at home, and report the absence!
Students returning to school should be symptom free for 24 hrs without medication.
If your child arrives after their school start time, they must report to the school office for a late slip before heading to their classroom.
If your child has a doctor’s appointment during the school day, they ideally should not be missing school all day. They can be picked up from the school office ahead of their appointment and can be dropped back after the appointment. Please submit either the doctor’s note/ note from the doctor’s office or even an email with the appointment details - verifying the appointment/absence within 5 days of the absence.
Student absence for religious instruction or participation in religious exercises may be considered excused. In order to receive an excused absence for participation in a religious exercise or holiday, an advance written request by the parent/guardian must be submitted to the school site. Failure to provide the advance written request will result in your child receiving an unexcused absence.
CUSD Attendance Policies and Guidelines are available on the District website HERE.